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Helen was a mother to many of us kids growing up. You were never hungry nor an outsider in your home. She was always understanding and never judged any of us. Even when we called at 10pm for a ride home because someone had the great idea to sneak away from our group to see Maynard Ferguson's bus. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Both your parents were two of the best people I had in my life. The endless amount of love and care will be always remembered. Mike Capozziello
Shared by michael capozziello on 8/6/2024 6:43 PM
Karole and Jim and families, I had planned to attend the wake tonight, and unfortunately got sick yesterday with something contagious, so I will not be able to personally extend my condolences. Helenka will be sorely missed by so many of us. The CSA has lost a lot of institutional knowledge with her passing, and the members have lost a key friend and advocate. May she rest in peace in the arms of her beloved Jerry. Keep the memories of a great mom in your hearts.
Shared by vera wilt on 8/6/2024 3:20 PM
Helen and Jerry were instrumental in the RB band program as our kids all marched together and knew them well. We appreciated them and send our sincerest sympathy to Carol and the family.
Shared by mickey schwarm on 8/6/2024 1:03 AM
Judy and I are so very sorry for your loss. We, as well as many others, will miss this caring, loving, and so very friendly lady. Helen and Jerry are now together again and will be together forever.
Shared by judy & jim wozniak on 8/2/2024 10:01 PM
She will be missed. She was a fixture at Ss Peter and Paul Lutheran Church, giving so much of her time and love to all. Her cooking will not be forgotten either! We are so sorry for your loss. Our mother Betty and she were friends and had many laughs, memories and fulfilling times working at the church with the Dorcas ladies. Our sympathy and blessings go out to the family as we remember a wonderful woman of grace and service. The Mocek Family
Shared by bettyann mocek on 8/2/2024 3:55 AM