“On behalf of a grateful nation, we thank you”
Hitzeman Funeral Home, Ltd., takes great pride in helping those who have given so much while serving our country. It is our privilege to provide help to veterans and their families in their time of need.
When planning or pre-planning a funeral, many family members are not aware of what benefits they may be entitled to.
The professionals at Hitzeman Funeral Home will be more than happy to answer any of your questions or concerns. On behalf of a grateful nation we thank you for your loved ones faithful service. For further guidance on requirements, planning, or eligibility please contact us.
For veterans, reserve members, and dependents, the Veterans Administration offers a variety of benefits. Please keep in mind, there are certain eligibility requirements that which need to be adhered to.
For your convenience we have provided information below to assist when making funeral arrangements.

When considering planning it is important to know what options you have. So let our professionals inform you and walk you through the necessary steps to serve your needs best.
Required Documents
In order to expedite benefits, please bring copies of the veteran’s service discharge papers (Forms: DD-214, DD-215, or for World War II Veterans, a WD form). These documents provide us with the veteran’s full name, military service number, branch, dates of service, and the type of discharge.
If you cannot locate the necessary documentation, you may request a new service record, please click on the link provided. According to the National Archives & Records Administration response times to requests for separation documents are completed within 10 days about 92% of the time. However, requests that involve reconstruction efforts due to the 1973 Fire, or older records which require extensive search efforts, may take 6 months or more to complete.
These documents are required to schedule burial in a National Cemetery, burial benefits, a commemorative burial flag, and for military honors.
Burial in a National Cemetery
Burial benefits in a National Cemetery include a gravesite in any of the 131 National Cemeteries (with available space), opening and closing of the grave, perpetual care, a Government headstone or marker, a burial flag, and a Presidential Memorial Certificate, at no cost to the family. Some veterans may also be eligible for Burial.
Allowances (please see the link for Monetary Benefits or Reimbursement under the main Veterans tab). Cremated remains are buried or inurned in national cemeteries in the same manner and with the same honors as casketed remains.
Spouses and Dependents
The spouse, surviving spouse, or dependent of an eligible veteran or member of the Armed Forces may be entitled to interment in a National Cemetery even if that veteran is not buried or memorialized in a national cemetery.
The National Cemetery Scheduling Office has the primary responsibility for verifying eligibility for burial in VA national cemeteries. A determination of eligibility is made in response to a request for burial in a VA National Cemetery (eligibility may take up to 48 hours to determine).
At Hitzeman Funeral Home, Ltd., we schedule all burial/cremain interments and honors through the national cemetery. If the veteran is not going to be buried at a national cemetery, we will schedule their burial/entombment or inurnment along with military honors specifically from their associated branch of service, assist with benefits, a VA headstone/marker and/or obtain medallions for their headstone.
Learn more about burial benefits
Military Funeral Honors

“Honoring Those Who Served” is the program for providing dignified military funeral honors to veterans who have defended our nation. Military funeral honors consist of an honor detail (two or more uniformed members of the armed forces, with at least one member from the deceased’s branch of service) folding and the presenting of the United States flag and the playing of “Taps.”
The Directors at Hitzeman Funeral Home, Ltd., work with all branches of the military and the various veteran organizations to assist in the provision of military funeral honors.
Burial Flag

A United States flag is provided, and we will drape the casket or accompany the urn of a deceased veteran who served honorably in the U.S. Armed Forces. We at Hitzeman Funeral Home, Ltd., will secure a burial flag from the Veteran’s Administration.
Burial at Sea

Burial at sea is a means of final disposition of remains that is performed on United States Navy vessels. The committal ceremony is performed while the ship is deployed. Therefore, family members are not allowed to be present. The commanding officer of the ship assigned to perform the ceremony will notify the family of the date, time, longitude and latitude once the committal service has been completed.
Headstones and Markers
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) furnishes upon request, at no charge to the applicant, a government headstone or marker for the unmarked grave of any deceased eligible veteran in any cemetery around the world, regardless of their date of death. Headstones in private cemeteries may require additional fees.

For eligible veterans who died on or after Nov. 1, 1990, and whose grave is marked in a private cemetery (not affiliated with a national cemetery may qualify to receive a medallion to be affixed to a privately purchased headstone.
The directors at Hitzeman Funeral Home, Ltd., work with all branches of the military and the various veteran organizations to assist in the provision of military markers and/or medallions.
Presidential Memorial Certificate
A Presidential Memorial Certificate (PMC) is an engraved paper certificate, signed by the current President, to honor the memory of honorably discharged deceased veterans.
The directors at Hitzeman Funeral Home, Ltd., will assist in obtaining the Presidential Memorial Certificate for your loved one.

Monetary Benefits or Reimbursement
Reimbursement of Burial Expenses
VA will pay a burial allowance up to $2,000 if the veteran’s death is service-connected. In such cases, the person who bore the veteran’s burial expenses may claim reimbursement from VA. In some cases, VA will pay the cost of transporting the remains of a veteran whose death was service-connected to the nearest national cemetery with available gravesites. There is no time limit for filing reimbursement claims in service-connected death cases.
Burial Allowance
VA will pay a burial and funeral allowance of up to $2,000 for veterans who die from service-connected causes. VA will pay a burial and funeral allowance of up to $300 for veterans who, at the time of death from non-service-connected causes, were entitled to receive pension or compensation or would have been entitled if they were not receiving military retirement pay. VA will pay a burial and funeral allowance of up to $722 when the veteran’s death occurs in a VA facility, a VA-contracted nursing home, or a state veterans nursing home. In cases in which the veteran’s death was not service-connected, claims must be filed within two years after burial or cremation.
Plot Allowance
VA will pay a plot allowance of up to $722 when a veteran is buried in a cemetery not under U.S. government jurisdiction if: the veteran was discharged from active duty because of disability incurred or aggravated in the line of duty, the veteran was receiving compensation or pension or would have been if the veteran was not receiving military retired pay, or the veteran died in a VA facility. The plot allowance may be paid to the state for the cost of a plot or interment in a state-owned cemetery reserved solely for veteran burials if the veteran is buried without charge. Burial expenses paid by the deceased’s employer or a state agency will not be reimbursed.
Learn more about reimbursements.
Active Duty Members
For veterans, reserve members, and dependents the Veterans Administration offers a variety of benefits although certain eligibility may be required. At Hitzeman Funeral Home the directors and staff are experts in VA benefits. We take great pride in helping veterans and their families find the benefits they need to honor those who have faithfully served their country. For further guidance on requirements, planning, or eligibility please contact us.
The directors at Hitzeman Funeral Home, Ltd., will assist you by obtaining the latest information about military benefits and monetary allowances.