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Photo of Dolores “DORIE” Kessler Lederer

Dolores “DORIE” Kessler Lederer

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Dear Dr Lederer and Ann Many years have passed since we last spent time together. But I will never forget the kindness and wisdom that you and Mrs Lederer shared with me during the time I was part of Berwyn Animal Hospital. I have thought of you often. I know how much your beautiful Dori meant to you and I am very sorry for loss. I apologize for the delay in reaching out to you. But I am just finding out the news of your loss. I live in northern Wisconsin though Chicago (and Berwyn) will always be home. I hope you receive this message though it’s late in coming. But I pray for your hearts to be at peace through this difficult time. Kitty Moore

Shared by kitty moore on 10/10/2021 11:50 PM

Herb, K I just received your sad note. Please accept my condolences for the loss of Dorie. The two of you were very special, and I have never forgotten the friendship we had. Thank you for thinking of me. Lynn

Shared by lynn johnson on 11/18/2020 9:06 PM

Dear Mom, I can never thank you enough for everything you've done for me. You were a loving, caring, active, liberal, efficient, cheerful...well, in one word, perfect host mother to a foreign exchange student from Japan. You'll always be in my heart as you've been in these past 45 years. Love, Yoko

Shared by yoko tanaka on 11/17/2020 11:54 PM

Sorry to hear of Dorie's passing. She was a wonderful person. Betty has many fond memories of Dorie. Peace be with you and yours.

Shared by betty d. burgett (piering)dr. russell e. burgett on 11/8/2020 3:23 PM

To Anne and her family, I only met Doris once... but what a fun, beautiful, happy woman. It was obvious that she was also a great Mom. You are in my thoughts and prayers ! Leslie Roberts

Shared by leslie roberts on 10/26/2020 11:51 PM

I barely remember her name was Dorie. We always called her “mom”. If one can measure their life by the influence they have on others, Dorie was one in a million. I will cherish the too few memories we had.

Shared by chuck krivanek on 10/24/2020 11:20 PM

Herb & Family, We are so sorry to hear about your loss. We have so many great memories of Dorie and all the Lederers on countless days riding around in the antique cars. Memories we'll always cherish. Steve Grundy & family

Shared by steve grundy on 10/20/2020 9:13 PM

My condolences to the Lederer family. I am very sorry for your loss. I was very lucky to have met Dorie Lederer when she came to the office to see Bob & Jackie. She was a very kind & lovely person. I will always remember her amazing baking & the wonderful almond cookies that filled my heart with joy. May she rest in peace. Erika Cisneros

Shared by erika cisneros on 10/20/2020 2:17 PM

Our deepest sympathies in your families loss. Lee & Cindy Weaver

Shared by lee & cindy weaver on 10/19/2020 8:38 PM

Dear Herb and family, We are saddened to hear of Dorie's death, and know that she will be missed by not only her adoring family but my the many friends who loved her as well. We hope that the family will find peace and comfort in the beautiful memories you hold deep in your hearts. Blessings to all of you. Joe and Sue Ellen Burlini

Shared by joe and sue burlini on 10/19/2020 8:21 PM

Dear Herb, Bob, Jackie, and family: I am very sorry for your loss. I have many fond memories of sitting next to Dorie and Herb at the Bears games for many years. My father and I would like to offer our condolences in this tough time. Eric Weinmann

Shared by eric weinmann on 10/19/2020 6:30 PM

Dear Herb and Family. You have my deepest sympathy. A few times I visited the beautiful Lake home with my friend Kathy. Dorie opened up her home to us so we could visit with her Always enjoyed chatting with Dorie she had so much to offer in the conversation It’s a difficult time and May she rest in piece. Ellen. Larson.

Shared by ellen larson. on 10/19/2020 3:15 PM

Our condolences on the passing of Dorie. We have many fond memories of her touring in the big Packard. May she rest in peace. Tim & Pia Sierra

Shared by tim sierra on 10/19/2020 12:40 PM

Dear Lederer and Gilmer families: I was blessed to know Dorie over many years and always looked forward to seeing Dorie and Herb, usually at CSO concerts. I also remember lovely parties in their previous home. To this day, I can see the pride she felt in Martha and all her professional attainments. Dorie was a very special person, and I know she will be missed by all of you. I will especially think of Herb as he adjusts to this profound loss. With love and sympathy. Bettie

Shared by elizabeth buccheri on 10/19/2020 2:31 AM

Jackie, Bob, Herb and family, So sorry for your loss. I too know from your words what a sweet lady she was. Sounds like you will have some wonderful memories and traditions in honor of her. Prayers and hugs, Jaynie

Shared by jaynie falduto on 10/18/2020 5:47 PM

I am so sad to hear about your loss. I was lucky to meet her such a wonderful person. My deapest condolences to the entire family. Send my thoughts specially to Herb and Bob. Love you prima

Shared by katia cruz on 10/18/2020 4:57 PM

Oh what a sweet and giving soul. She was such a warm and welcoming neighbor and friend. From strawberry preserve-making to the garden club xmas luncheons to zipping around on her golf cart spreading beauty and brightening spirits everywhere she went. We will miss Dorie! The Lynn Family

Shared by margaret lynn on 10/18/2020 4:49 PM

So sorry to hear about Dorie. She was such a nice lady. Always friendly and so helpful! She actually drove, in her golf cart, to our house to help map out our garden and gave me a tour of her garden. Such a beautiful lady leaving a great legacy in the glen. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and family. We are thinking about you and know that her beautiful memories will live on. Please let us know if you need anything.

Shared by the kinton family on 10/18/2020 1:49 PM

Dear Ann, I am very sad to hear about your loss. My thoughts are with you and your family. Although I didn’t have the honour to meet your mum in person, I think I know her from your words. She was a fantastic person and an example for all of us. With love, Leonora

Shared by leonora siccardi on 10/17/2020 6:21 PM

Dear Herb, Sue and I were very saddened to hear that Dorie had passed away. We will hope to extend our deepest sympathies in person at some point in the future. Walt

Shared by walter uebele on 10/17/2020 5:10 PM

Dear Dorie, We are so sad to learn about your death... We remember all those old car trips; specially the one when you helped John when his car broke down in one of our first tours... so many memories!! you were a lovely lady and many of us will miss you. May you rest in peace, love, Rosa and John

Shared by rosa and john hovey on 10/17/2020 5:09 PM

Dear Herb, Ann and family, We send our condolences and love to you at this time. We remember Dorie as many have expressed as a warm, generous, intelligent, creative and thoughtful woman. She was like Mother Earth and could just wrap her arms around you with a conversation. Dorie was always quick to share whatever one needed, whether it was sound words, a recipe, an idea or her knowledge. She will be missed but always remembered in so many ways. Bonnie and Bob

Shared by bonnie and bob hutchison on 10/17/2020 4:52 PM

Dear Herb, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. What an honor it was knowing your dear wife. I met Dorie in 2007 through the Garden Clubs of IL Landscape Design School where she was the school Chairman. As for all such jobs, no one realizes all the work that goes on behind the scenes in order to run a two day program that is held twice yearly. Finding a location to hold the classes and then getting 7 or 8 qualified instructors to teach the classes and also having a complimentary field trip to go with it is no small feat. Then grading test papers for 30 or more people and submitting those names to the GCI for recognition that the people qualified for becoming a Master Landscape Designer over the specified series of classes is real dedication. Dorie even provided many of her delicious homemade bakery treats for our lunch breaks! She was working this year to pass the baton for that job on to another GCI member, although because of this pandemic, the class had to be postponed twice and now may not be held until 2021. Dorie certainly laid a good foundation, but her shoes will be hard to fill. She will be missed by so many of us.

Shared by june vandervest on 10/17/2020 2:58 PM

All who knew Dorie will miss her. Jennifer and I had the opportunity to see her several times, most recently at the last VSC banquet where we sat next to her for dinner. She was extremely welcoming and conversed as though we were old friends, making us feel very comfortable in a group where we actually knew few people. Prayers for her family and many, many friends.

Shared by john s. maxson on 10/17/2020 2:38 PM

May your beautiful soul Rest In Peace Mom You were and will forever be very dear to my heart. You were one of the softest I have ever met. Always giving without expecting anything in advance; active in the AFS. We still use you your recipes cooking book in our house, you cross our minds everyday dear mom. Thank you for all the love and care you have given me and my son Walid all along. You will forever be in our hearts and always in our prayers.

Shared by samer hallab on 10/17/2020 11:55 AM

Dear Herb, We had the honor of meeting you and Dorie when you moved in across the street from us on Wescott. We are saddened to hear of Dorie's passing She was a wonderful wife, mother and gardener. The Glen also shares in your loss. Tom and Dolores Siok

Shared by dolores siok on 10/17/2020 11:01 AM

So sorry to hear about Dorie. Our thoughts are with you all at this sad time. Lots of love, Lynette and Colin Muter

Shared by lynette and colin muter on 10/17/2020 4:23 AM

Thank You Dori for all your efforts in gracing every corner of our beautiful neighborhood! We will support all efforts to continue your great legacy moving forward. Gods blessings!!

Shared by tim & leanne johnson on 10/17/2020 12:05 AM

Thank you Dori for all the labor and love you gave the Glen! Your work is amazing and beautiful! We will think of you on all our walks; there is so much to enjoy thanks to your vision and passion. Rest in peace.

Shared by lisa/tim avers on 10/16/2020 9:33 PM

I am so sorry for your loss. Dorie was such a sweet and interesting person. I always enjoyed talking with her on family visits, and her guided tours with me through her gardens. I am so glad to have those memories with her. My thoughts are with you all.

Shared by jen lederer on 10/16/2020 2:18 PM