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Photo of Silvano Gaspary

Silvano Gaspary


Silvano Gaspary, 77, of LaGrange Park, formerly of Istanbul, Turkey, passed away at home on August 13, 2021 after a lengthy illness. He is survived by his beloved wife, Valerie (Evans) Gaspary. Silvano loved their Springer Spaniels, adopting and parenting as many as possible over the years. He had many interests, including restoring antique radios, was a member of the Antique Radio Club of Chicago, and had an impressive mechanical aptitude. Silvano was passionate about exquisite cuisine and loved to spoil his friends and family with his culinary creations. A champion of many, he supported several philanthropic organizations. Silvano joyfully celebrated even the smallest successes of others and was steadfast in his support of Valerie’s endeavors.

Throughout his career in international finance, Silvano’s employers, especially Banca Intesa of Italy and Abbott Labs, benefited from his linguistic and cultural literacy. He took great pride in his ability to understand and communicate in six languages.

Visitation will be Thursday, August 19, 2021 from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM at Hitzeman Funeral Home and Cremation Services, 9445 W. 31st Street, Brookfield. Procession immediately following to Queen of Heaven Committal Chapel, with Interment at Queen of Heaven Cemetery, Hillside. As a precautionary measure due to Covid, a celebration of life event will be held at a future date.

In lieu of flowers, the family would appreciate donations be made in memory of Silvano Gaspary to either the Comboni Missionaries, https://www.mcssl.com/store/combonimissionaries or the English Springer Rescue America (ESRA), https://englishspringerrescueamerica3.wildapricot.org/widget/Donate.

Expressions of condolence may be made through the Hitzeman Obituary page, https://www.hitzemanfuneral.com/silvano-gaspary/#respond, or by sending a sympathy card to: Silvano Gaspary Family c/o Hitzeman Funeral Home, 9445 West 31st Street, Brookfield, IL 60513.

For additional information, please contact 708-485-2000 or www.HitzemanFuneral.com


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