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Photo of Silvano Gaspary

Silvano Gaspary

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Dear Val, I am so so sorry to hear of the passing of your husband. I only had the opportunity to meet him 1x and saw what a wonderful kind man he was. And after reading the beautiful heartfelt condolences from so many, that knew him for so long...his spirit comes alive. And what is so important in life is what kind of a person he really was!!! It's never easy to say goodbye to someone you love so much. Yet no one can take away the memories that you have. Sending you Love and Hugs, Bennye

Shared by bennye seide on 11/19/2021 6:21 PM

I met Silvano when I was Umum Muduru of Abbott in Turkey where he was Financial Director. I was a bachlor at the time and he introduced me to his group of friends - I particulary remember how he always made sure that I didn't spend any weekends alone and introduced me to te best eaating places in Istanbul. Workwise, he was a genius at managing the company's finances under extraordinarily difficult trading conditions. We kept in touch when he moved to Chicago but, sadly, my continued international travel meant we only met personally once again. Rest in Peace my friend.

Shared by will (williebey) chapman on 10/18/2021 1:17 PM

Dear Jean-Jean, I have known you since I was a little child, from the days of the Simca, the Touring Hotel, Goztepe, to the wonderful holidays we spent with both you and Valerie in Chicago and Florida, to the few times you came to visit us in Melbourne and the few days in Hobart. I will miss the great phone conversations we’ve had over the past then years, sharing recipes, your jokes and your great sense of humour. Rest In Peace my dear friend. Therese.

Shared by therese proy on 8/29/2021 8:28 AM

Mon regretté JeanJean, c'est ainsi que nous t'appelions tous, ta soeur Silva, ma maman, Jean, mon papa, et Minou (Marie-José) ma soeur. Nous avions 7 ans de différence? mais à cet age là ça fait la différence. A 11 ans tu en avais 18 et quand on se voyait toi avec ta SIMCA P 60, tu t'occupais bien de moi comme un grand frère. Et les déjeuners que nous faisions avec Antoinette et Raphäel, mon grand-papa à Moda sous les arbres... quel régal et quels bons souvenirs en famille qui restent toujours présent dans mon esprit. Puis chacun a pris le cheminement de la vie. Lors de l'un de tes passages avec Antoinette et Raphäel tu as pu faire la connaissance de Stéphane tout bébé et quelques autres où de passages professionnels à Paris ou nous avons pu dîner tous ensemble avec Silva et Jean, mes parents. Mais nos vies ne nous avaient jamais données l'occasion de nous nous voir de façon plus proche jusqu'à ce que Silva nous quitte. C'était en 2015 où nous avons eu, de concert, l'idée, à votre invitation, de venir vous voir à Chicago. Que de Je bons moments passés ensemble et l'occasion enfin de connaître Valéry. Mais c'est un coup de tonnerre qui nous a surpris. Nous étions un peu inquiets mais nous n'avions pas vraiment réalisé l'état dans lequel tu étais. JeanJean/Silvano repose en paix et toi Valéry nous pensons et sommes à tes côtés en cette difficile épreuve.

Shared by famille wagner on 8/19/2021 1:20 PM

La dernière fois que je t'ai vu, je devais avoir entre 22 et 25 ans à Paris, et tu en avais 10 de plus.Par Michel, j'ai pu savoir ton bonheur de vivre avec ta Valérie.Avant cela , je savais que tu conversais longuement avec ta sœur Sylva , notre mère à Michel et moi.On t'appelait Jeanjean mais en fait je réalise que notre grand père a fait le trait d'union entre toi Sylvano et ta soeur Sylva de son premier lit.Tu dois avoir un sacré comité d'accueil la ou tu es parti!Dommage qu'il n' y ait pas eu plus d'occasions de liens et de partages de souvenirs et de l'histoire familiale mais la vie est ainsi. J'irai à l'Eglise du Sacré Coeur à Marseille qui est mon moment de paix pour t'envoyer mes pensées.Paix à toi donc et courage à Valérie du fond du coeur...

Shared by wagner marie-jose on 8/18/2021 10:13 PM

I am deeply saddened by your loss, Jean Jean…You were much more than a cousin to me, you were my precious brother. You were the most kind and generous person i knew, a smart, open-minded, creative, fond man, a heart of gold. I learned from you so much. I will always treasure the memories of spending time with you, all these years of past. Happily we were met four years ago, You and your beloved Val, sharing so many happy moments together. Our dearest Valerie, our love & thoughts are with you. May Silvano rest in peace. He will be missed & never forgotten.

Shared by alfredo & vicky on 8/18/2021 4:28 PM

Both Antonio and I are very sorry to learn the sad news of the death of our dear friend Jean Jean. We have been friends for a lifetime and he was the witness to our wedding 48 years ago in Istanbul. Afterwards life took us to different cities but we were always in touch. He was a good and very generous man and we have fond memories of the the beautiful month we spent with him and Valery. The last time we spoke he was very worried, not for himself, but for Valery who was his strength. Rest in peace our dearest lifelong friend.

Shared by mafalda , antonio meniconzi on 8/18/2021 3:37 PM

We will always treasure the memories of spending time with Silvano and Valerie when they made the trip to Australia twice to meet us. Silvano was a part of my life since I was a child as he lived in my Father's heart, so many memories of their childhood shared. He was bigger than life, a generous personality unafraid to speak his mind with a kind heart. It is very special when you feel family so close when they are physically far away. Silvano and Val were always there by our side for the happy moments and to share the sad ones. All our love to you Val and rest in peace our dear cousin Silvano.

Shared by cecile, simon, finnigan, zachary & gideon on 8/18/2021 7:39 AM

I was truly sadden to read about Silvano's passing. I met Silvano while working for Val at her La Grange shop, Veni Vidi Val. He was such a delight to be around. He was kind and funny, always asking how his antique radios were selling. I enjoyed our visits and working with him, when he would occasionally help out at the shop during La Grange's annual Christmas Walk. He and Val made a wonderful couple and were so cute together. My thoughts and prayers go out to Val during this very difficult time.

Shared by juanita davis on 8/17/2021 10:05 PM

I am deeply saddened by this loss. I've known Silvano for over 30 years. We worked together at CBI Industries in Oak Brook. Even after CBI was purchased and closed the Oak Brook headquarters, Silvano and I remained in communication. I saw him a few times a year. I will miss our conversations, and the dinners at Palmer's in LaGrange. There remain many memories. He did have a heart of gold. He had his own way of doing things, and his strong opinions, but he was an amazing friend. He would call me sometimes, I think, just to talk. He would ask a question that I am sure he knew the answer to, but it was an excuse to pick up the phone in today's busy world. Silvano, rest in peace! You are no longer in pain. You are in a better place, where one day we will all see each other again.

Shared by roger yule on 8/17/2021 5:06 PM

I feel like I have lost a brother. I knew him as Jean Jean. Silvano, my brother Robert and I grew up together in Istanbul since we were toddlers. We shared many many adventures together. Our grandfather called us The Three Musketeers. We have kept in touch all these years, me from my now aged care home in Melbourne Australia. He had a heart of gold and generous spirit…sending me many favourite DVD’s to watch. I'm so grateful that I told him I loved him…I hope he always knew..I did my best to be there for him as he was for me. Valerie was the best thing that ever happened to him…he was so happy when they met. I’m so happy he was able to experience such love in his life time as I was with my late wife Monica. We all shared some happy times together. Rest in peace my ‘brotber’ after a life well lived. May all our family be there to welcome you with open arms and a loving embrace. Silvio Proy

Shared by silvio proy on 8/17/2021 10:32 AM