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Photo of Vincent Sandoval

Vincent Sandoval

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I worked with Vince at the CTA and I am proud to have called Vince my friend. What a great guy! My thoughts and prayers go out to Vince's loved ones.

Shared by bill foster on 10/17/2018 4:24 PM

To Vince's love ones. Please accept my sincere condolences. Even tho, I know of no words, to rid you of your pain during this MOST difficult time. May our prayers, help strengthen us and our memories, comfort us. At Isaiah 25:8; 26:19 we look forward to seeing our love ones again as Almighty God Jehovah, lovingly promises.

Shared by alberta williams on 10/10/2018 1:31 PM

Sylvia, Thelma, Deya y familia.. Sepan que los acompanamos en su dolor. Que Dios reciba a Chente en sus brazos y le de el descanso eterno. Su paso por la tierra nos llena de recuerdos. Cumplio con su mision y ahora lo espera la vida eterna porque, el que cree en Dios, no morira.

Shared by julio martinez on 10/5/2018 12:34 AM

MY deepest condolence to the Sandoval family he was a great guy to work with.

Shared by lawrence wehling on 10/4/2018 8:43 PM

Sylvia, I am so sorry for your loss. My condolences go out to you and the rest of Hugo’s Family. I am praying he is at piece and for god to give you strength as you go through this. I can’t imagine your pain. Know that you are not alone, you have us, your friends/family. I love you so much and am here for whatever you need. Hugo will be greatly missed. He was one of the good ones.

Shared by martha vences-nieves on 10/3/2018 6:12 PM

Sylvia, My deepest condolences.. Yall have a special place in my heart.. Prayers for you and your family. Un abrazo de parte de mi y Araceli.. Que dios te bendiga..

Shared by hilda fuentes on 10/2/2018 7:46 PM

Hugo siempre estarás en nuestros corazones, un gran amigo y ser humano!!!Silvia los queremos y estamos contigo y toda la familia en estos momentos tan difíciles!!!QEPD que brille para el la luz perpetua!!!

Shared by norma frausto on 10/2/2018 1:03 AM

deepest sorrow to Sylvia ,Miguel & miguels brother & family. just hope were all together someday so I can see my old frend vince once again.

Shared by george kolodziej on 10/1/2018 4:09 PM

thoughts and prayers going out to vinces family.

Shared by steve fischer on 10/1/2018 1:32 PM