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Photo of Thorkil Winther

Thorkil Winther

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Dear daughters, Thorkil touched my heart. He was a gentle beautiful soul. I was blessed and honored to help take care of him in his end year. I could tell he was loved deeply by the love and caring you all showed him. I will always remember his smile. Gods blessings in this difficult time. Audrey GLC Hospice.

Shared by audrey padden on 10/17/2018 3:08 PM

Dear Linda, Tina, and Sonja, I am sending my love and deepest condolences to you and your families. I am sorry that I am not able to join you at the memorial service for your beloved father. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. Peace, Amy Wyman Luzar

Shared by amy luzar on 10/17/2018 2:52 AM

Dear Tina and family. I am really sorry about the loss of your dad. I am sure he’s now in peace traveling his personal divine journey and grateful for the wonderful life and the awesome family he made and enjoyed. Send you a sincere big hug to you and your family from Mexico.

Shared by enrique morales on 10/15/2018 9:54 PM

Dear Sonja and family, We are so sorry to hear about your lose. We know how hard it is to lose a father, grandfather father-in-law and the matriarch of the family since we lost my father a few years ago this month. I'm glad you have your sisters to have unspoken comfort with each other and your loving family. Be well, our prayers are with you all. Les Perreaux, Jean-Pierre, Maribeth et Lana-Marie

Shared by maribeth koutrakos-perreaux on 10/15/2018 5:46 PM

So sorry, I will not be able to come to the memorial service, because I will be out of town.

Shared by connie fishman on 10/14/2018 8:55 PM

Please accept my condolences for you and your family on the loss of your Father, Thorkil. He seemed like a very nice person and was always nice to me, his neighbor. He was also a good friend to Lucy, his wife & his friend for many years. They were so interesting walking down the street together talking up a storm. My son, Kevin, has been working on our family genealogy and has discovered ancestors from Norway. So, I guess we share more than we knew. Prayers for your family from mine. Sincerely, Connie Fishman, 5625 S Peck

Shared by connie fishman on 10/14/2018 8:52 PM

My sincere condolences to Tina, Sonja and Linda. I am sure you three are grateful for the childhood you were granted by your loving parents. I feel honored to have glimpsed that when you were young adults and we became friends. The words “Thorkil” and “forgotten” can only be found together with “NEVER”! Rest in Peace, Thorkil.

Shared by rachel savané on 10/14/2018 6:32 PM

Sonja, Such a wonderful life and story of Thorkil. Thank you for sharing his fulfilled life and how much his daughters meant to him. Bruce and I send love and condolences to you, Tina and Linda. Warm regards, Deborah

Shared by deborah eaton on 10/14/2018 12:14 PM

Dear Tina, Sonja and Linda- What a truly wonderful man your dad was! He was just a delight to be with and brought joy to so many. I idd not know he was the president of the Dania society for ten years! He always knew who he was and what he stood for. You and your children are his dear proud legacy and we are so happy to have had such deep friendship for so many years. Much love!

Shared by sandra kaufmann bassett on 10/14/2018 11:41 AM