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Photo of Thomas Plaiske

Thomas Plaiske

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Sorry too hear of Tom’s passing. He will be greatly missed. He was always pleasant and upbeat when in the office. Especially if he was on his way home to pick up his bride and head out Disneyland in Florida. Rest In Peace Tom, we’ll all miss you.

Shared by dale rakowski on 12/19/2021 7:02 PM

Sorry to hear of Tom's passing, I ran into him many times in my 20years with Duplainville mostly while we were getting loaded or unloaded, we always took time for a chat, he was one of the ones I was always glad to see. Rest In Peace Tom.

Shared by philip hegarty on 12/18/2021 1:25 AM

Sally, I'm sorry we never got to meet. Tom was a great guy. I regret we didn't have a chance to get together after Tom retired due to covid. I met Tom through Civil Air Patrol back in the late 60's and we became good friends. Enjoyed a couple of trips together and hanging around some nightclubs. He will be deeply missed.

Shared by jim bartel on 12/17/2021 7:17 PM

Tom (Tommy to me) was 14 years old when I was born. He was a great cousin to my brother and me. He put up with us when we stayed at his family home and even read us stories and took us to see the trains. I remember his smile most. I last saw him a few years ago and his smile and humor were intact. He was a good man. My heart goes out to his family. I know the loss is significant.

Shared by linda ebert on 12/17/2021 9:45 AM

Sally I am so sorry to hear about your husband. You are in my thoughts. Jane Schmit

Shared by jane schmit on 12/17/2021 12:16 AM

Sally, I am so sorry to hear of you loss. My condolences to you and Tom's family.

Shared by nydia on 12/17/2021 12:10 AM