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Photo of Theresa Marie Brunsman

Theresa Marie Brunsman

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Dear Family of Teri, On behalf of everyone in the Nuveen Legal department in Chicago, I wanted to let you know that Teri has been deeply missed by us all. She was the light of, and uniting force of, our department. There are many of us that think of and speak of her daily. Please know that her time at Nuveen was well spent, not just professionally, but socially & emotionally, as her impact on many of us was huge and lasting. Elisa

Shared by elisa g on 3/27/2023 3:23 PM

Tim, Elizabeth, Thomas, John and Patrick, Teri was my legal department best friend at Nuveen. We bonded over a zoom call shortly after she joined. I valued her keen legal mind, her sense of humor, her ability to truly listen and to show empathy. We had very different perspectives on a variety of issues, but that never impacted our friendship. I left Nuveen last year, so I am delinquent on hearing this news. The loss of Teri is a loss to the world. In all of my calls with her, I got the updates on her family. Tim, she loved you very much. Elizabeth, Thomas, John and Patrick, she loved sharing your accomplishments and was so very proud of each of you. I have been praying daily for all of you since I got the update in January and now you will stay in my prayers as you navigate this time of grief. Teri is still with you. My deepest condolences and I am so very sorry I cannot be there on Saturday to celebrate the life of a wonderful woman and friend. Noelle Sproul

Shared by noelle sproul on 3/21/2023 12:46 AM

Tim & Family - I had the pleasure of working with Teri for many years in Louisville. Such a special woman! I am so very sorry for your loss.

Shared by jesse moss on 3/16/2023 7:02 PM

Tim and Family, We were heart broken to hear of Teri’s passing. We will help in any way we can. We remember your wedding. You both were so beautiful together. God place your hand on Teri’s family her children, her beloved husband give peace and that they all feel your love and comforting arms. In the name of Jesus Amen.

Shared by kathie, margie and mike brand on 3/16/2023 5:25 PM

Dear Liz, I am truly sorry to hear about your loss. My heart goes out to you at this difficult time and I am sending you and your family my sincere condolences. May your mother rest in peace. Martin

Shared by martin swobodzinski on 3/13/2023 6:32 PM

I only just learned of Teri's passing this morning and I was crushed. Teri was just a joy at work. While we did not work intimately, we did share many moments together. She was always cheering me on and bringing such joy to our Karaoke Parties. Her bringing songs that she had rewritten the lyrics to, was a highlight for me and our conversations after were wonderful. To the family of this amazing woman: my heart goes out to you. I only got to know her virtually and treasured the time I had with her. As long as you hold her memory in your heart, she will never truly be gone. Rest in Power Teri. Kat

Shared by kat rajnay on 3/13/2023 2:13 PM

Dear Family of Teri, I was devastated to learn of Teri's passing just this morning. She was one of the most brilliant and friendly people I have ever known, and had the most sarcastic sense of humor that always made me laugh. Her wicked smile with that look she had could just make me crack up. She knew everyone at Walnut Hills and we all knew her. I always felt that she was smarter than the rest of us, but never let on. She instead went along with our humorous antics. She was always smiling and kind to everyone that she ever met. We have stayed in touch on LinkedIn, and I was thankful to have talked with her at the last reunion. I shared the news of her passing on our class Facebook Page - WHHS 1978. You are very much in my prayers and I can't stop thinking about all of you. She is with her good friends Breta Lindberg and Matt Hammons now smiling down from above, and I hope you continue to feel her presence in the difficult weeks and months ahead. May that be a comfort to you. With Deepest Sympathies, Julie Whitney, Cincinnati, Ohio

Shared by julie lewis whitney on 3/10/2023 4:30 PM

Teri was not only my colleague, Teri was my friend and my ally. Teri would support our efforts at TIAA in many ways to drum up inclusion and love. Teri truly made a huge impression on me and many others. She will be missed and remembered forever. My heart goes out to the family and loved ones. Pray that Teri rests in peace forever. God speed my friend. Ron

Shared by ronald myles on 3/9/2023 9:38 PM

Liz, I am so sorry for your loss Liz. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Shared by jayma hawkins on 3/9/2023 4:00 PM

Teri was such a kind, caring and intelligent person with a beautiful smile. Though I only worked with her for a short, few years, I really enjoyed our conversations, the energy she brought everyday and I can't forget her nature pictures from her various hikes. My condolences to the family. See will be missed!

Shared by jeff eng on 3/9/2023 2:50 PM