Susan E. Tutt-Parsons, nee Honath
Susan “Susie” E. Tutt-Parsons, nee Honath, age 64, of Portage, WI, formerly of LaGrange Park and Westchester, IL. Beloved wife of Alec C. Parsons and the late Ronald Tutt; loving mother of Joshua (Jamie) Tutt and Jillian Tutt; dear step mother of Adam Parsons; grandmother of McKenzie, sister of the late Karen A. Brown. Visitation Friday, March 2, 2012 from 2 P.M. to 8 P.M. and Saturday, March 3, 2012 from 9:45 A.M. to 10:15 A.M. at Hitzeman Funeral Home, Ltd. 9445 W. 31st Street, Brookfield. Funeral Saturday 10:15 A.M. to St. Francis Xavier Church, LaGrange. Mass 11 A.M. Interment Resurrection Cemetery. Sue was known for strong community involvement, including but not limited to: Director of Development at Helping Hand Rehabilitation Center, Countryside IL; LaGrange Park Village President 2001-2005; LaGrange Park Village Trustee 1993-2001; President of West Suburban Chamber of Commerce and Industry; President of West Cook County Solid Waste Agency; Board Member of Pets and Pals LaGrange, IL. She also received many awards for her services some of which are: Women of the Year 1993 West Suburban Chamber of Commerce, West Suburban Chamber of Commerce and Industry Chairman of the Board 2002, West Suburban Chamber of Commerce and Industry Presidents Award 2005, W.C.M.C. & West Cook County Solid Waste Agency recipient of the Jack Williams Intergovernmental Achievement Award 2005. Memorials appreciated to Helping Hand, 9649 West 55th Street, Countryside, IL 60525. Information 708-485-2000 or www.HitzemanFuneral.com