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Photo of Steven Birkenmeyer

Steven Birkenmeyer

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O.M.GOSH!!! Kathy...something told me to look up your name...I am beyond shocked & sad to see Steve's face & Obituary~ Truly sorry!!! My heart is broken! I'm still in GA.. It's been a LONG time since I've seen y'all...please know even though it's a year ago I will pray peace & strength for you & Mike(y).. I'm here if you need to talk or just want to catch up~ Raina (Herrmann) Phillips Condolences to your brothers~ Rick & Kenny

Shared by raina phillips on 5/20/2022 7:15 PM

So sorry Kathy our prayers are with you and you’re family

Shared by chris weimer on 5/8/2021 11:37 AM

Dear Kathy, Mike & Family, With our deepest sympathy to all of you. Steve was a great, fun-loving person & always had a smile & great sense of humor. We always enjoyed spending time with him. Steve will remain in our hearts forever ♥️ Our love & prayers to all of you , Glenn & Marianne

Shared by glenn & marianne kubat on 5/7/2021 3:34 PM

At sixteen, I looked up to Steve when I first met him through my friend Rick. He was older, wiser, and quick to lend a hand or offer advice. After sharing many laughs and even some tears over the years that followed, I still look up to him, only now, I must raise my eyes a little higher - towards heaven. Our family is blessed to have him as a friend in our hearts. Our condolences.

Shared by brad and maria davis & family on 5/7/2021 7:09 AM

Aunt Kathy and Mike. My deepest sympathy and warm hugs to you. There are several gems of Uncle Steve’s that I say often. Kids, dogs, dogs, kids, Bazovio, I sure can’t spell it but I can say it, and can’t forget one of most useful lessons learning how to pour a pitcher of beer from a tap from Uncle Steve. Uncle Steve will be missed for his jokes, laughter, and shenanigans. Love you.

Shared by colleen aldridge on 5/7/2021 12:11 AM

Steve was special and will be missed. My prayers go to you.

Shared by dorota kubeczko on 5/6/2021 2:32 PM

We enjoyed Steve’s company whenever we were together with some sort of Nancy & Rick occasion. I know we laughed a lot! Cary enjoyed watching some sport games with Steve and Rick too. I remember you were at our house for a Hawks Stanley Cup Win. Steve will genuinely be missed. Our deepest condolences

Shared by michelle & cary gabel on 5/6/2021 1:33 AM

Kathy, Mike and Family, Our condolences to you.. Steve was a good friend. We will miss his sense of humor and will always think of the good times we shared.

Shared by jim and paula bures on 5/5/2021 3:37 PM

Rest in peace old friend

Shared by reynaldo f campos on 5/5/2021 2:24 PM

Kathy, Mike and Steve's Brothers, Tom and John, and Bonnie, Our deepest condolences to each of you for the loss you feel. Each one of us grieves in our own way. I lost a truly great friend, but rather than think of the loss, I prefer to focus on the wonderful moments shared with Steve, his precious nuggets of wisdom & his view on life shared with us. He'll always be with us.

Shared by john and maryann andrews on 5/5/2021 1:46 PM