Stanley Joseph Sterba
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To Mrs Sterba,Grand Children and family friends. I met Mr Sterba in late 1969 when I dated his daughter, Darlene. I remember him as a kind and caring person, very easy to know. I enjoyed his many stories about his service during WWII. I wish I had known sooner of his passing and also that of Darlene.Please accept my condolences.
Shared by norm baxa on 4/6/2013 12:57 AM
Grandma Millie, t, and Rory -- I am saddened for your loss, but also know that with time, peace will come for you. Meanwhile, I am thankful to have met Stanley, as he reminds me so much of my own Grandpa, who I lost a while back. I love you all very much, and hope that you find yourselves feeling better soon. erin
Shared by erin on 4/7/2012 4:33 PM
Thanks, everyone. My gram is doing well, but this afternoon at the cemetery will be the toughest day yet. It helps to know how many people have us in their thoughts. We appreciate all the kind words; Gram has even asked me to type up all the texts and emails and posts so she can keep them. <3
Shared by taryn on 4/7/2012 1:25 PM
Taryn, our sincere condolences to you and your Gram on the loss of your Grandpa. Angie described him as a wonderful man and devoted husband to your Gram.
Shared by patricia krupica and family on 4/6/2012 11:49 PM
Oh taryn. Too big. I am thinking of you, your dear Grandma, and hoping your Grandpa happens across an old man with a bunch of labradors and tennis balls. They could share life stories and dangle their feet in a cool pond. Much love, J
Shared by jenny on 4/5/2012 10:54 PM
Millie and family, We are so sorry that we can't be with you at this time. I am going to miss Stanley and his hugs and Mike is really going to miss his buddy. We are praying for all of you at this time. Love, Mike and Rita
Shared by mike and rita crosse on 4/5/2012 6:43 PM
I wish for peace and ease in your hearts, Grandma Millie, Taryn & Rory knowing that Grampa Stanley is safely home and reunited with his sweet daugther who we have all been missing for so many years. I love you all.
Shared by angela krupica on 4/5/2012 4:20 AM
Millie, Taryn, Matty, Rory and Jen... I was blessed to meet you and your Husband, Grandpa. He has an amazing family that will take care of one another. With love...
Shared by barbara eberly on 4/5/2012 3:35 AM
You were a fighter Gramps.Gram will be taken care of and we will keep you in our hearts forever.
Shared by jennifer burlison on 4/4/2012 9:06 PM