Robert G. A. Frick
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My sincere condolences to the family, and especilly to Doris. My prayers are with her that she may be surrounded with His Peace, Love and Comfort during this time. I got to know Bob and Doris quite well in the 90's and we spent some good times together as well as with the rest of the family. The family reunions they hosted are especialluy memorable.
Shared by nancy crawford on 1/12/2013 7:59 PM
We remember our meaningful visit with Bob and you, Doris, in October, 2012. During those days Bob repeated frequently these words among others, "Gott ist die Liebe" (God is love). We were affirmed by His repeated confession of faith. That faith assures us now that he is in Heaven with his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Our prayers continue for you, Doris.
Shared by anita and erhart bauer on 1/7/2013 11:45 PM
We have the words from Jesus in scripture to comfort us, " ..I am the resurrection and the life; He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in Me will never die..." John 11 : 25, 26. I am so thankful to Uncle Bob for translating a collection of the gospel sermons of Rev. C.C. Schmidt, his grandfather and my great-grandfather, from German to English. And to Aunt Doris for typing them up; I cherish my copies as they are just as relevant today as they were when he wrote them many years ago.
Shared by janet rudd on 1/6/2013 1:27 AM
I contacted the pastor down at Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Waterloo (Wartburg), Illinois, for some more detailed information about Bob's baptism date, confirmation date, and confirmation verse - these will be printed in the memorial service bulletin. Bob's two middle names (Georg Arthur) were the first names of his male baptismal sponsors: Arthur Frick and Georg Schmidt. Bob confirmation class in 1934 was the first class to be confirmed in English. There were 10 students in that class. Pastor Rethwisch also shared the following information which I thought Bob's family might also like to read: "Pastor Reimar Frick served Wartburg from 1920 to 1945 and so far has remained the longest-serving pastor. Mrs. Frick was the usual organist. A new pipe organ was purchased in 1926 and dedicated on April 25. The organ was pumped by bellows manually until 1929, at which time an electric blower was purchased in 1941. Many members remember standing behind a screen to pump the organ while the organist played, and likely Robert did this if not during the service, at least while his mother was practicing. In June 1945, the 25 yr. long service of Pr. Frick came to an end as he accepted a call to St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Grant Park, Il. He, his wife, and eight children were bid farewell with deep emotion from the congregation. Besides being the organist, Mrs. Frick directed the choir, a grade school chorus of girls which provided entertainment at various church functions, and a male quartet. Many were the times that rehearsal was held in the parsonage dining room. “To this day, much of the credit of the congregation’s singing ability is given to the dedicated efforts of Mrs. Frick.” (From "God’s Grace in a Country Place II: a sesquicentennial history of Holy Cross Lutheran Church of Wartburg, Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod 1841-1991," page 38).
Shared by rev. joel a. brondos on 1/6/2013 12:23 AM
Bob was always the "big brother" to his younger brothers and sisters, ready to help us when we needed it. We will all miss him, but thankful that he lived a long and full life.
Shared by helen wehmeyer on 1/4/2013 6:44 PM
We will miss Bob but we are thankful that the Lord took him to His bosom peacefully and that he is with his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Our prayers are with his wife, Doris, that she will bear up and that the Lord will give her strength of faith to endure.
Shared by elsie frick on 1/4/2013 5:36 PM