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Photo of Robert Baldwin

Robert Baldwin

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Sorry for your loss

Shared by michael vernon on 12/23/2022 10:38 PM

Bob was such a good person and helping friend to so many! God will be delighted to greet you in Heaven with those wonderful words, “Well done good and faithful servant”! Well done Bob, we’ll miss you. Mike S

Shared by mike s on 12/23/2022 4:33 PM

Bob was an example to many in our organization what service really is. He saved a lot of lives w his efforts in recovery. i will miss my friend, real estate Bob. We’ll meet again at that big meeting in the sky.

Shared by larry o on 12/22/2022 10:50 PM

Sat with Bob thru many a meeting. He was very devoted to always cheering someone up! I shall miss him dearly!

Shared by gail l. on 12/20/2022 3:57 PM

Bob always had a smile on his face and a big heart for those in need. His kindness to those who were at their true bottom always gave them hope for the future and proof things can get better. You made me a better person Bob! Thank you for your gifts.

Shared by erin m. on 12/20/2022 3:26 PM

Bob would always greet me with a smile, handshake, and great enthusiasm. Bob's tireless devotion to Recovery and his beloved Cubbies was infectious and welcome no matter the time of day or year. His legacy will live on and he will be missed. God bless him!

Shared by paul g gay on 12/18/2022 8:44 PM

I always enjoyed my talks with Bob before meetings I’m glad he was able to see the Cubs win a World Series

Shared by don w on 12/16/2022 10:47 PM

Bob was the very best. His dedication to our organization was immence. Bob gave me every coin I have from Dr. Bob's for more than 15 years. He will be missed.

Shared by louis s on 12/16/2022 7:13 PM