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Photo of Richard J. Kuehn

Richard J. Kuehn

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To the family of Richard I would like to extend my sincere and deepest condolences at this time of sorrow. May his soul and the souls of all the faithfully departed Rest In Peace. Respectfully, Jim Buzzard, Friend and coworker of Tim

Shared by jim buzzard on 1/31/2018 3:54 PM

On behalf of our entire family to yours we send sincere condolences. While Richard is free of pain at last, such a loss is still felt deeply. May your loving memories bring you peace and comfort in the days ahead.

Shared by peggy and steve ulrich on 1/31/2018 3:04 PM

My deepest condolences to the Kuehn Family. May you find peace in your treasured memories. I am a co-worker of Michelle Callaway.

Shared by nancy boyajian on 1/28/2018 4:45 PM

My deepest sympathy to your family. God's heartfelt promises give us a real hope that our loved ones now asleep in death will have life again. (Acts 24:15; Hosea 13:14)

Shared by rosa g on 1/27/2018 4:24 PM