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Photo of Richard Benedict Blake

Richard Benedict Blake

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We met Rich at at Edgewater apartments. We instantly became friends. We will miss going to different restaurants , listening to jazz and just talking.

Shared by kirk sonye and karie vlach on 1/5/2023 1:38 PM

To Terry and family, I am sorry to hear of the loss of your brother. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Skip Pump

Shared by bob pump on 1/4/2023 12:28 AM

John and I are sorry to learn that Rick passed away. Our condolences for your loss. Marty and Rick always seemed to have a lot to talk about when we all used to get together. I remember him as a gentle soul. We won't be able to make the services, but know that you are in our thoughts. Cheryl and Jonn

Shared by cheryl a baunbach-caplan on 1/2/2023 4:39 PM

Terry - Sorry to hear of your loss. Dave Morse

Shared by david morse on 1/1/2023 8:24 PM