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Photo of Raymond J. Heiderscheidt

Raymond J. Heiderscheidt

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Sorry for your loss. Ray and Nan were special in my life. I miss Mike, and your parents daily. Hank

Shared by john "hank" harrington on 1/20/2023 9:03 PM

My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Some very happy memories to recall. God give you comfort and peace during this time. All my love.

Shared by caroline borkey (lindy woehrle) on 6/7/2022 10:49 PM

'Could not have had a dearer friend... Ray (and Nan) befriended me years ago in Chicago and the three of us had so many laughs and fun times together. He was, in my mind, "the salt of the earth" and will be greatly missed. Sincere condolences to all family members. Love, mm

Shared by margaret mary mayer on 6/3/2022 7:34 PM

Great Uncle Ray was the brother of my Grandpa John P. Heiderscheidt. The memories I have were always about family, laughs, jokes, and taking good care of each other. He and Nan are now watching over us together. I agree with Jerry Herr, he lived a full life.

Shared by john j. heiderscheidt on 6/3/2022 2:45 PM

Ray was a great friend since he was born , we lived at 1226 George St, went to the same grammar school, same high school and for a time worked at the same company. He is in my prayers... He lived a full life...

Shared by jerry herr on 6/3/2022 1:30 AM