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Photo of Paul Mistici

Paul Mistici

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Our thoughts & prayers are with you ALL at this time. We love you! Your dad had a good long life but we're never prepared fully to lose a loved one. Thanks be to Jesus for a great reunion on THAT Glorious Day!! In Him,Dick&Carol

Shared by carol howard on 2/29/2012 1:55 PM

(English Translation) Condolences by Antonio, Fabio, Anna Maria, Sara. (Actual Message) Sentite condoglianze da Antonio, Fabio, Anna Maria, Sara.

Shared by famiglia semplicioni antonio e fabio on 2/27/2012 6:47 PM

Dear Angela, I'm deeply sorry for the loss of your father. I hope you find strength during this difficult time.

Shared by griselda vilcek on 2/27/2012 1:22 PM

Anna Maria, Sue and I were deeply saddened by the news of your loss. We never met your Father, but from reading the obit and all the comments, it sounds like he was a wonderful and colorful person that brought joy to many lives. This world needs more people like him. God bless you and your family and all of those who are suffering now. May he rest in peace. Love from Joe and Sue

Shared by joe and sue miljush on 2/27/2012 9:25 AM

(English Translation) Dear Pauline, there is much sadness in us, you'll be sorely missed but you will remain forever in our hearts. Condolences to Robert Louis Isolina (Actual Message) Caro Paolino, c'è tanta tristezza in noi, hai lasciato un grande vuoto ma resterai sempre nel nostro cuore. Condoglianze da Luigi Isolina Roberto

Shared by famiglia gianni luigi on 2/26/2012 6:17 PM

(English Translation) We welcome Pauline, a sensitive man, and brave. To the family our deepest condolences. Daniele Giusti, Simona Lucchesi Pentorari and children Francis and Leonardo (Actual Message) Salutiamo Paolino, un uomo sensibile e coraggioso. Alla famiglia le nostre più sentite condoglianze. Daniele Giusti, Simona Lucchesi Pentorari ed i bimbi Francesco e Leonardo

Shared by daniele giusti on 2/26/2012 5:10 PM

(English Translation) Dear Pauline, Rest in peace and thank you for what you gave us. Now that you left us for eternity, we will not remain without you, you will live forever in our hearts. There is a thread that binds our souls that can not be broken even by death. We can not forget it was great love you had for us. Each year, as long as you have, you came back to say goodbye to your beloved country and us, to bring your smile, the way you face life with courage and always so positive. We who have been lucky enough to visit you, to come into your home, a closer look at your life, we can not forget the warmth and care that we have facing you and your family. Now, in this time of sorrow, we turn to their daughters, to you, Grace, to all family and friends to join you in welcoming and Pauline, as far as possible, to share his way of "looking forward" with confidence and love. A hug from Louis and Louise Gianni Bernardi (Actual Message) Caro Paolino riposa in pace e grazie per quello che ci hai dato. Ora che ci hai lasciati per l'eternità, noi non resteremo senza di te, tu vivrai per sempre nei nostri cuori. C'è un filo che lega le nostre anime che non può essere spezzato neanche dalla morte. Non potremo dimenticarti perché è stato grande l'amore che hai avuto per noi. Ogni anno, finchè hai potuto, sei tornato a salutare la tua amata terra e noi, a portarci il tuo sorriso, il tuo modo di affrontare la vita con coraggio e in modo sempre positivo. Noi che abbiamo avuto la fortuna di venirti a trovare, di entrare nella tua casa, di vedere da vicino la tua vita, non potremo dimenticare mai l'accoglienza e le attenzioni che ci hai rivolto tu e la tua famiglia. Ora, in questo momento di dolore, ci rivolgiamo alle figlie, a te, Grace, a tutti i familiari e agli amici per unirci a voi nel salutare Paolino e, per quanto possibile, condividere il suo modo di "guardare avanti" con fiducia e amore. Un abbraccio da Luisa Gianni e Lodovico Bernardi

Shared by luisa gianni on 2/26/2012 3:24 PM

Very sorry for your loss! Know that you are being prayed for and we are sending our love to you. May there be peace beyond understanding!

Shared by santi family on 2/26/2012 3:17 AM

Paolo, I fondly remember those times when we walked together. I have wonderful memories. You and I just walking, just talking. Today I looked around to realize I've fallen behind. You've gone on ahead Paolo - ahead to walk in the company of God. Rest there Paolo. Wait there Paolo. I will catch up. We will all catch up. And together, we will walk again. Until then, you will be dearly missed. Alfredo & Sharon Sturlini and son Aaron Gilbert

Shared by alfredo sturlini on 2/25/2012 11:28 AM

Thank-you Babbo for always being there for us. You and Mom taught us the importance of family and how to celebrate. No holiday was too small not to have a celebration for and always lots of food. We always knew we were the apple of your eye. We have been blessed because of you. You taught us well. You delighted in each of your grandchildren as they arrived...one after another! How blessed you were Babbo! And then the great-grandchildren started coming. Who would have imagined that you would have left such a heritage. Coming from Italy with Mom and starting with nothing, it's no wonder you were so proud of your family. You have left a void that is too big to fill and a hurt too big to hide. It's not possible you're gone Babbo. But you suffered too long and God, in His love and mercy, took you home to be with Him. You would always say to us, "don't worry, everything's going to be alright". You were right Babbo, everything is alright and we're going to be ok too, it's just going to take a real long time. We love you Babbo and miss you.

Shared by cathy on 2/25/2012 3:04 AM

Grace, I am so grateful to you for your love and friendship that you shared with my father. You were his strength through some very difficult times. We always knew to plan our visits with him during the week, because weekends were for Grace. I am so sorry for your loss and I hope that you can find some peace in the memories that you two shared. We will all miss him in the kitchen when the spaghetti is cooking or in tending our gardens this spring. Love and hugs to you, Ilda, Joey and Justin

Shared by ilda on 2/24/2012 8:09 PM

Paul has been a friend of mine and our family since I can remember-50+yrs. We have shared many good times and some difficult times. Paul was always there during the time that my dad was sick and passed away and he has always been there for my mom ever since for anything she may have needed. One of my fondest memories was the time we were together lost and roaming the streets of Florence, Italy. He took his map out of his pocket and started leading us. After over an hour of walking we ended up at the same spot we started from--lost.-lol- When we got back to my aunts house that night, it was almost midnight. She assumed we were hungry so without asking she made Paul a large steak. Paul was trying to lose weight at the time but he didn't want to hurt her feelings so he sat there and unwillingly starting eating it. Before he was done my aunt walks out of the kitchen and brings him another steak larger than the first one. I can't repeat what he said at the time but I'll never forget the look on his face. I don't think I've ever seen him as red faced as he was at that moment. I laugh everytime I think about it. My life will be emptier without him but he will always be in my mind and in my heart. Paul

Shared by paul raffanti on 2/24/2012 7:39 PM

I have shared many luncheons with Paul and Grace while visiting in Seneca-he was a wonderful cook and a gentle and kind man. He will be missed.

Shared by mary kukura on 2/24/2012 5:32 PM

With deepest sympathy to the family that Paul took such great pride in, a family that he loved and adored. My sympathy also goes out to Grace, my dearest friend. She loved Paul very much and she will miss him, too. I know I will also miss his tender, kind personality when visiting Seneca. He enjoyed the peace and quiet of the countryside where he left his gardener's touch! His faith has taken him to heaven where he is finally at peace. I pray that all of you will have needed strength during this difficult time. Audra Raulinaitis

Shared by audra raulinaitis on 2/24/2012 4:51 PM

I will never forget Grandpa's hearty chuckle when he saw his grandkids and his rough cheek when he squeezed each of us so hard with a hug. I will also never forget how Grandpa would collect seeds from any plant he liked. It didn't matter where he was, he got those seeds!

Shared by crystal scheiman on 2/24/2012 2:16 PM

My deepest sympathy to the entire family which he adored. May the angels accompany him and make him look down on the people he loved and see how much emptiness he left in their life. Everybody loved him.He was very special. Love, Grace

Shared by grace mannori weber on 2/24/2012 1:29 PM

Ilda, I am deeply sorry for the loss of your father. From our conversations about our Italian parents, I felt like I knew him. And I will always think of him when the yellow iris from his garden that you shared with me a couple of years ago are in bloom. Stay strong and find comfort that his suffering is over. I know it will be difficult, but you have family and many friends that love and support you. Love, Maria (and Julio)

Shared by maria marte on 2/24/2012 1:15 PM

(English Translation) I pass on my deepest condolences to you all and especially to those who most of you have been there for that reason, I am sure that they always knew what was humanly Pauline a wise, strong and sensitive. Unfortunately, when people are missing this mold, it always creates a huge void. The words are always a few empty of meaning and to express sorrow or love. I can say that, as far as I know, with me has always been impeccable, both in talk than act. I do not call him often on the phone, like my mom or my aunt, but was always a pleasure to talk to him. In particular, I enjoyed a chat we had when I was in Vietnam last summer, I was very stressed out, I did not know what to do, I would say I was lost. Then I got talking, some gave me strength and a little faith in me. So I went straight and got married. The only regret I have is that I wanted to come and see them in Chicago, and stay a while with him, and maybe meet some of you. He came here often, but recently it was obvious he could not. I'd say more, but does not now, as always, sooner or later I'd come to visit him there, but I did not. I'm so sorry. Greeting Graziella that if you please translate my wishes him I would be grateful. I could write in English, but I do not want to cripple the few words written, I will limit myself to this. Excuse me. Greetings and a hug. Paul (Actual Message) Faccio le mie più sentite condoglianze a tutti voi e in particolare a quelli di voi che più gli sono stati vicino e che a tale ragione, sono certo che hanno sempre saputo quanto Paolino fosse umanamente una persona saggia, forte e sensibile. Purtroppo, quando vengono a mancare persone di questo stampo, si crea sempre un vuoto incolmabile. Le parole sono sempre poche e vuote di significato per esprimere dolore o amore. Io posso dire che, per quello che l'ho conosciuto, con me è sempre stato impeccabile, sia nel parlare che nell'agire. Io non lo chiamavo spesso al telefono, come mia mamma o mia zia, ma era sempre un piacere parlargli. In particolare ho apprezzato molto una chiacchierata che abbiamo fatto quando ero in Vietnam la scorsa estate, ero molto stressato, non sapevo che fare, ero perso direi. Poi ho capito parlandogli, un pò mi ha dato forza e un pò fiducia in me. Cosi ho continuato a dritto e mi sono sposato. L'unico rimpianto che ho è che avrei voluto venire a trovarlo, li a Chicago, e stare un pò con lui, e incontrare magari qualcuno di voi. Lui veniva spesso qui, ma negli ultimi tempi era ovvio che non potesse. Io gli dicevo sempre, ma non dà ora, da sempre, che prima o poi sarei venuto io a fargli visita li, ma non l'ho fatto. Mi dispiace tanto. Saluto Graziella che se per piacere vuole tradurre questa mia gliene sarei grato. Io avrei potuto scrivere in inglese, ma non voglio storpiare le poche parole scritte, mi limito a questo. Scusatemi. Saluti e un abbraccio. Paolo

Shared by paolo vorni on 2/24/2012 6:09 AM

I can't express what your dad meant to me. He was a warm, caring, gentle man who would go more than out of his way to help you and always made people feel welcome. I will never forget the day I first saw him. It was in December, 1993 at my grandmother's wake. It's been 18 years but I feel like I've always known him. His broken English reminded me of my grandfather whom I was extremely close to growing up. His old country Italian ways were what I loved most about him. He was family to me, my daughter and my husband. I will miss him terribly and will never forget him. I loved him. I am so so sorry for your loss....as well as mine. Love, Ginny

Shared by ginny fleming on 2/24/2012 3:16 AM

Rest in peace Babbo. Your struggle is over. You can tend heaven's gardens now while we carry on for you down here. You were so proud of your family and we will miss you terribly. love you Ilda

Shared by ilda on 2/24/2012 12:14 AM