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Photo of Patricia Kowalski, nee Geraghty

Patricia Kowalski, nee Geraghty

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To the Kowalski and Geraghty Family: Mrs Kowalski, as I fondly knew her, was my 10th grade English Literature teacher at Morgan Park High School in 2000. She, by far, was one of the most impressionable and cherished teachers I've had in my life. As an adult, I find myself very often quoting, "Clarity Above All" -- a phrase she would tell my class to get tattooed on our forearms. In a way, it has become my life motto. I remember her being so lively and invigorating in the classroom. She made me a better writer, reader, and student of the world. I think of her so often and ultimately found my way to this obituary in search of hoping to reconnect with her since my return to Chicago. Alas, I missed that opportunity but am in no way surprised to read that her vivacious spirit was present in every area of her life. Thank you for sharing her story here. And, thank you for sharing her life over the many years that she helped mold generations of young people like myself. Forever in my heart, Sandi Preston

Shared by sandi preston on 4/20/2022 3:33 PM

Loved Pat! She was such an inspiration to me!

Shared by cindy lowery on 4/12/2022 10:37 PM

David, Michelle,family and friends you all are in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for sharing your Mom with us at Beechwood. Even though I no longer am with Beechwood ( since 04/27/21 I am glad I had the privilege of being 1 of Mom's nurses. My favorite times were when we went to the piano and I encouraged her to play 1 or 2 songs as she loved playing songs from her memory. It didn't matter that she was playing Christmas songs in April ~ She was an amazing woman and loved talking about her students.Thank you all for always being so supportive ❤ Now celebrate eternal glory as your mom reunites with Ted.

Shared by pat wilbourne former beechwood nurse on 3/23/2022 10:36 PM