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Photo of Pamela L. Rinella, nee Patzer

Pamela L. Rinella, nee Patzer

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Dear Rinella family, I am so sorry for your loss. I was friends with Pam through all 3 pregnancies and she treasured her family so much. We lost touch and for some reason today I googled her name only to find this obituary. I was overwhelmed with sadness and ask God to embrace you all. Eternal rest grant onto her O Lord

Shared by diane rimkus on 5/26/2015 3:18 AM

I'm truly sorry for your loss. Let me know if you need anything or if there is anything I can do to make this time more bearable for you and your family.

Shared by james debouver on 4/28/2015 10:52 AM

God's blessing to you and your family Charles. Cousin Pam will always hold a special place in my heart.

Shared by deborah scott daughter of ken patzer on 4/26/2015 3:52 PM

Hello Chuck I received an email from Ron on the passing of your wife. Kathy and i are so sorry for your loss. Please accept our condolences. Take care and be strong Dave and Kathy Zarnowski

Shared by david & kathy zarnowski on 4/25/2015 3:39 PM

To Charles and to all who knew and loved. Precious memories come flooding back of times from Pams childhood to many telephone calls shared since we moved to Arizona. The familiar voice saying "Uncle Kenney how you doing? I will miss you my sweet niece. To Bobby, We share in your loss. You were blessed with a wonderful sister. Pam was loved by all of us in Arizona and one of our favorite people. Our prayers are with all of you . Uncle Kenney and Aunt Maxine

Shared by kenneth and maxine patzer on 4/25/2015 1:18 AM

My condolences for the loss of Pam. She was a kind and generous and very loving. I know she will be missed but never forgotten. May God bless you all as you walk through this dark and lonely time.

Shared by rachael and ralph on 4/24/2015 11:25 PM

Charles and Family, I am very sorry for the loss of a wonderful person. Pam was a great person who always showed kindness and a loving spirit. She made a great difference in this world and I will always remember her. Ron Gritton, Mark Gritton & Roberta Gritton

Shared by ron gritton on 4/24/2015 5:31 AM

My condolences for the loss of your loved one, and may you draw comfort from Almighty God through his written word the Holy Bible, his provision for mankind's benefit, Romans 15:4, so that they may read in it and get to know him because he cares for us and want's us to draw close to him. God also wants us to know that this life that we're now living will in the future be a thing of the past because he'll wipe out everything that causes pain, suffering and sorrow Isaiah 25:8, Isaiah 33:24, Isaiah 55:11.

Shared by joan on 4/23/2015 2:38 PM

Charles and family, Pam was one of the nicest, kindest most generous woman on this earth. Her heart was pure gold. Nothing meant more to her than her family. Pat and Mildred were blessed to have her as their daughter. When I need to talk to her I will dial 1 800 heaven so she can bestow her gentle words of wisdom like she did all throughout our friendship of 25+ years. I will miss her and never forget her. Sincerely, Chris Coil and family

Shared by christine coil on 4/23/2015 1:53 AM

Aunt Pam, we will miss you so very much! God must be reviewing all of the kind and loving things you have done for so many with a smile and the words "Daughter, job well done!" May you rest and experience the joy of heaven with all those who love you who have gone before. Thank you for a lifetime of wonderful memories and for making so many in our family feel special and loved. Won't be the same without you down here! Looking forward to the day we see each other again :)

Shared by michele s. on 4/23/2015 12:50 AM

Rest In Peace

Shared by mark and janet altobella on 4/23/2015 12:26 AM

I want to express my sincere sympathy for the loss of your loved one and share the hope promised in the Bible. God has set a day in which he purposes to judge the inhabited earth in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed, and he has furnished a guarantee to all men in that he has resurrected him from the dead. (Acts 17:31) If your heart yearns to see a loved one again, study the Bible to make this resurrection hope your very own.

Shared by s. lee on 4/22/2015 10:14 PM