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Photo of Norman Brabec

Norman Brabec

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Worked with Norm for many years at Goss. Norm was a real professional. Always great at his work. I learned a lot about oil pumps from Norm...and lots of other things....Should have adopted him as an Uncle. He is missed.

Shared by john nicoli on 6/20/2024 3:39 PM

Uncle Norm, You will be missed. You were not just a next door neighbor growing up but you were family to the Aguilar’s. From my earliest memory I have, you have always been Uncle Norman. Thank you for all the advice and memories throughout the years.

Shared by daniel aguilar on 5/26/2023 9:10 AM

Uncle Norm, You will be missed. You were not only a next door neighbor growing up but you were family to the Aguilar’s. From the earliest memory I have, you have always been Uncle Norm. Thank you for all the advice over the years and great memories.

Shared by daniel aguilar on 5/26/2023 1:14 AM

I’m not able to say “good by”, but will be thinking of Norm often. He was a large presence in my life and I miss seeing him. He introduced me to White Sox baseball, and I fondly remember all the games we attended. He’ll be an angel along with my sister, Denise!

Shared by bill and phyllis quinn on 5/25/2023 11:33 PM