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Photo of Mary S. Cakanic

Mary S. Cakanic

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It is with sadness in our hearts to hear of Dear Mary"s passing .We were not family but knew her thru her beloved nephew Paul. She spoke her mind, love good food , and saw the world as it was . May she find eternal Peace. God speed Aunt Mary

Shared by helen and phil panneton on 9/10/2013 1:00 AM

Aunty, I regret not being able to say goodbye to you. I tried to fly out that Saturday, but you had already been called to Heaven by God. I know that you're in a FAR, FAR better place, with Grandma and Grandpa. I want to THANK YOU for ALL the life lessons you taught to me, and for being the best Aunty that any Aunt could possibly be. Whenever I have a good meal, I will always think fondly of you as YOU were the one who instilled my love of fine food and sense of "culture" with all the fabulous things Chicago had to offer. I shall forever miss you, love you, and look forward to seeing you again in Heaven.

Shared by paul cakanic on 9/9/2013 9:48 PM