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Photo of Marjorie McFarland

Marjorie McFarland

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My condolences are for the Family at this time, which has made it very hard to lose a loved one in death, but even God views death as a enemy and will soon take death away as it says in the Bible at 1 Corinthains 15:26 which reads: And the last enemy death, is to be brought to nothing. So one day death will be taken away, not to bring any fear to us as a human family. And even better then that is when Jesus Christ will use his God given power to resurrect our dead loved ones who have fallen asleep in death, but will be brought back to us. We read it in John 5:28,29 to which he is giving us a future promise of him resurrecting our dead loved ones. And so you may be wondering, " Where will they live?" Well we dont have to dread it, God has it all planned out. We read hwre they will live in the Bible again in Psalm 37:29 to which it reads: The righteous will posess the earth and they will live forever on it. So you see, they will live right here on this earth, not in heaven, as some believe.

Shared by arthur mantzouris on 4/17/2018 2:26 PM

I am so sorry about the loss of your dear Marjorie. Losing a loved one can be both painful and difficult. God understands your grief and need for comfort. His Word assures us that He will swallow up death forever and will wipe the tears from all faces. (Isaiah 25:8,9) While it may seem as though this will never happen, God is loyal to all of His promises. (Isaiah 55:11)

Shared by rosa g on 4/4/2018 12:09 AM