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Photo of Liliana Baiocchi, nee Landi

Liliana Baiocchi, nee Landi

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Mia cara e amata cugina ho appena saputo che sei volata lassù in cielo! mi mancherai tantissimo.Mi mancheranno le nostre chiacchierate al telefono dove raccontavano di noi è della nostra infanzia. Abbraccio forte te Aldo in questo momento doloroso. Ti ricordo con tenerezza quando eri un ragazzino e venivi in Italia a Lucca a trovare tua nonna Maria (mia zia) e zia Lola. Un grande abbraccio. Danilo Borelli

Shared by danilo borelli on 7/14/2023 9:08 AM

We love you so much Nonna thank you for all the wisdom, support, and selflessness love throughout the years. We will miss you so much. We know you are watching over us and are shining your light forever. We know you are in peace with Nonno, Mauricio and your family above. We love you.

Shared by madison and hunter on 3/4/2023 3:54 PM

Aldo we are so sorry to hear about your mothers passing. We are sending our heart soldiers. ❤️

Shared by annmarie milazzo and marlena vaccaro on 3/1/2023 10:46 PM

I will love and miss you forever, Nonna. I cannot express through words how grateful I am for you... I wouldn't be here without you. I hope you have found peace & happiness up in Heaven with Nonno and Mauricio. Love you forever, Mikayla.

Shared by mikayla baiocchi on 3/1/2023 2:54 AM

My Beautiful, loving, thoughtful Second Mother...I love you and will miss you forever and a day. Rest in Peace Mom XO Kiss and hug Dad for me in heaven

Shared by florence ann milazzo on 2/28/2023 4:43 PM

My condolences to the Baiocchi family.

Shared by terry bieniek on 2/28/2023 2:20 PM