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Photo of Laural Chabak, nee Smola

Laural Chabak, nee Smola

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I always picture Laurie with a smile on her face and asking what she can do to help. She was a kind soul and an all around great person. She will be missed greatly. My condolences and hugs to Joe, Linda, Kris, Rob, and their families.

Shared by patricia aliaga on 4/12/2024 9:22 PM

To Joe, Laurie was a bright light in everyones’ lives. She was always so happy, pleasant and helpful to everyone in her life. She will be missed by all who knew and loved her. May She Rest in Peace. Love, Saffa Family

Shared by saffa family on 4/12/2024 12:09 AM

To Joe, Linda, Kris, Bob, and families, I know I also speak for my sisters in saying we share your loss and grief. Laurie was mom's fourth daughter and together with Joe the care and love they extended to mom is something we can never repay, mom loved you both so much and so do we. The bond of our two families and the memories we share, all those holidays house hopping through the season and the 4th of July at Linda's are absolutely priceless memories. Laurie's zest for life was contagious and the time shared after our move to Georgia will remain with me as the most special between she and I. She is in all of us, and remembering her will always bring out the best in us. Time and distance change nothing. Family and people and love are everything and we stand with you. Still, typing this is so very, very hard. But remember, we grieve, because love came first.

Shared by jackie vizenor kopeski on 4/5/2024 5:12 AM

To Joe, Linda, Kris, Bob and immediate family members, I know I also speak for my sisters when I extend our love and support to you and we share your grief. Laurie was a fourth daughter to mom and we can never repay the love and care she gave to mom along with Joe. Her zest for life was contagious and her spirit burns bright in me personally. I treasure the private time and conversations I shared with her and all, so SO many holidays we all shared together, house hopping through them over many years. Absolutely priceless memories of you all and the bond of our two families. Distance and time change nothing, our love for you all, and the memories we share are truly gifts in our lives. May Laurie’s loving spirit remind us of what’s important in this life. With so much love and sympathy,

Shared by jackie vizenor kopeski on 4/5/2024 4:21 AM