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Photo of Kathleen “Kay” A. Holzmeister, nee Socha

Kathleen “Kay” A. Holzmeister, nee Socha

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We offer our sincere condolences on the passing of Kay. May she rest in peace.

Shared by tony and peggy zumpano on 6/24/2023 10:27 PM

My deepest sympathy to Kay's family. I just learned of her passing I am sorry to have missed her services. Kay was a dedicated teacher to her students and thoughtful friend to her colleagues. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Shared by ginny coletta on 6/20/2023 8:56 PM

It is with great sadness that we hear of Kay's passing. Kay was a wonderful friend and example of strength to my mom & I, and was a great support to us during my fathers passing. She is an incredible example of strength and resilience, and we will miss her greatly. Our deepest condolences to her family and friends. "What is lovely never dies, but passes into other loveliness". May her body rest in eternal peace.

Shared by nushka & breda remec on 6/18/2023 3:26 PM

My Aunt Kay was a selfless giver, who dedicated her life to helping others through God’s loving grace. An extraordinary example is when my late daughter, Victoria, was born. My aunt immediately began to help care for her. Victoria was medically fragile / technology dependent; my aunt jumped right in and learned about Victoria's care. Every week, my aunt would get appropriate books at the library for Victoria. My aunt did far too much to mention here. She did this out of her loving heart, which I miss already, and always will. My condolences to Anne and Michael.

Shared by mary szelenbaum on 6/14/2023 8:56 PM

Kay, I remember when you were diagnosed four years ago, about the time of Gene's death. I was amazed then, as I was a short time ago with your acceptance of God's will under very stressful circumstances. Thank you for your unwavering love of God and His Holy will. You are an inspiration. ❤️

Shared by jullie on 6/14/2023 8:55 PM

Kay, you were first diagnosed four years ago, right around the time of Gene's passing. I was struck then, as I was just a short time ago with your acceptance of God's will. You never complained and seemed to take these very stressful circumstances in stride. Thank you so much for your loving commitment to Mary and Victoria and for accepting God's will so readily. You will forever be my inspiration.

Shared by julie fitzsimmons on 6/14/2023 8:43 PM

Reading through these tender and beautiful tributes recall so many lovely and silly memories I had. I met "Kay" in 1961 when I was a beginning teacher at St. Gerald's in Oak Lawn. Seeing her picture reminded me of how much joy and care she brought to everyone she met. She invited me to go home at Christmas time to see her folks and enjoy some good food. We went on a long trip with her dad delivering presents to his customers. So fun to drive around the city. When it was time to go to bed the twin beds took up most of the room in the bedroom. Jokingly, she told me to put my shoes in hers to give us more room to move around. She was such a real holy woman, her actions speaking loudly of who she was. Her words caring, thoughtful and loving to everyone. Such an honor for me to have known her those few short years. My sorrow goes out to all of you who loved her so much. Your beautiful tears are symbols of your love. Keep crying. . .a touching tribute. God bless each of you.

Shared by sister marilyn barry on 6/14/2023 7:30 PM

On behalf of the residents and associates of Franciscan Village, please accept our continued prayers on the death of Kay. May she now rest in eternal peace.

Shared by vince zaprzal, director of pastoral care on 6/14/2023 7:09 PM

I have a heart full of gratitude and eyes full of tears as I reflect on the time we’ve been fortunate enough to have Kay as our neighbor. She had a part in making this place we live feel like home. From the time we moved here, in our mid-twenties, Nick and I clamored at how we couldn’t keep up with Kay and Gene, who were 50 years older than us. With our houses so close to each other, Kay was ingrained in our daily lives. From the steady rhythm of seeing her red car go in and out of her driveway countless times a day, to helping start the day with a warm wave as we scurried out to the car in the mornings, to being there for all of the big life moments like getting new jobs, the passing of loved ones, being there when we brought our babies home from the hospital and offering praise and encouragement as she watched us attempt to wrangle in rambunctious toddlers. She was a beacon of faith, strength, calmness and care. She was a constant reminder to enjoy life’s simple gifts. I will think of her often and practice gratitude as I pick the weeds or watch a bike rider go down the street. We’re so glad to have been your neighbor. Rest in paradise. You are forever in our hearts.

Shared by jessica simmons on 6/14/2023 2:36 PM

Thank you Kay for taking Holy Communion for so many years to my father who is bed bound. Your kindness and compassion that you showed my family will never be forgotten. My thoughts and prayers are with the entire family.

Shared by annie on 6/13/2023 11:50 PM

Dear Cousin Kay: A life well lived with love, kindness and giving in everyway. I will always remember our times together in visits, notes and phone calls. May your spirit sing and your journey peaceful. I was blessed to have you in the mortal journey. Condolences to Ann and Michael. your cousin Lucille, in Auburn, NY

Shared by lucille srokosz-thomas on 6/13/2023 7:05 PM

Kay, your friendship and consideration of others will surely be missed. I will never forget you driving all the way-out to Notre Dame Church to attend my brother's funeral. The Loyola Senior Aerobics group will miss you at the group lunch next month. We will remember you and celebrate you. My thoughts, prayers and deepest condolences to the Holzmeister family. MaryAnn

Shared by maryann jurgus on 6/13/2023 2:39 PM

Dear Kay, I’m thankful for your quiet dignity and your sense of humor, even in the most difficult situations. You touched so many people in your life. Your constant prayer, “Jesus, I trust in you,” from the modern Polish St. Faustina, has now been rewarded. I know I can count on your help when I’m in need of some quiet dignity and a sense of humor. Chris

Shared by chris fitzsimmons on 6/13/2023 5:26 AM

I love you, Aunt Kay. Thank you for teaching me so much. You knew every faith-based question that I ever asked you. Thank you for being a beacon of light for our family. You lived a stellar life, the kind of life Jesus wants us to lead, but so very few of us do. You were holy, selfless, modest, and serene. No one will ever duplicate your goodness, but I am going to try. I can't imagine the greeting you received in Heaven. Until we meet again...

Shared by susan hutter on 6/12/2023 8:44 PM

In this sorrowful time, we would like to extend to you our heartfelt condolences. We are honored that we could provide care and companionship to Kay and your family on her final journey. May our Lord comfort you and your loved ones. Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. Love, your family at Lighthouse Hospice Care

Shared by lighthouse hospice care, llc. on 6/12/2023 3:58 PM