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Photo of Juana Avila Armendariz

Juana Avila Armendariz

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Ruben lamento mucho tu pérdida. Que las palabras de nuestro amoroso Padre celestial les traiga consuelo y fortaleza durante este tiempo tan difícil. Nuestro creador promete regresar a nuestros seres queridos a la vida en un mundo perfecto donde no habrá más sufrimiento o muerte (Juan 5:28-29 & Apocalipsis 21:4)

Shared by a. guerra on 1/31/2019 1:26 PM

Please accept our humble condolences to the Armendariz Family on their loss of a great Mother ,Grandmother and Great Grandmother,you were all blessed by a wonderful matriarch overseeing her family for 95 yrs.She will be looking on her family with love and Peace eternal.

Shared by stovner family on 12/4/2018 5:57 PM

Ruben and family , I’m sorry for your loss. Your Mother was very lucky to have all you by her side, she had a wonderful life. My prayers are with all of your family.. your Mother is resting in peace and with the al mighty God. Sincerely Maelee :)

Shared by maelee on 12/4/2018 3:39 PM

Ruben siento mucho la perdida de tu mama. Un abrazo fuerte par ti, Rosa y el resto de tu familia. Que nuestro Sr. Jesucristo los fortalezca y los sostenga durante este tiempo. Bendiciones a todos. Mi mas sincero pesame. Tu amiga y hermana en Cristo. Maria.

Shared by mary lucio on 12/4/2018 1:58 PM