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Photo of John J. Waksmundzki, Jr.

John J. Waksmundzki, Jr.

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To my sister Jessie, I believe our heavenly father is at your side along with the holy spirit, the helper to give you strength and peace during this sad time. Your sadness will turn to joy once you realize you will see John again. Only this time there he will no pain, or age, nor sicknesses. Only eternal happiness and peace that Only he can provide and has promised he would give you because you stayed in faith.

Shared by felix and gloria burgos on 4/3/2024 6:19 PM

We pray to our Holy Father that he will give you strength and love and the knowledge that you will meet John again. We your family pray for you and are with you in our thoughts and hearts, and are there for you day or night. Felix, Gloria, and Family

Shared by felix and gloria burgos on 4/3/2024 5:40 PM

Dear Jessie, we are so very sorry for the loss of John. We know how much you loved him and how devoted to him you were. Please know you did everything you could for him but God just wanted him home and for him not to suffer with all the pain he was in. We love you, you know that!! We will keep you and John in our prayers

Shared by claudia and jerry on 4/3/2024 3:08 AM