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Photo of John F. Zenk

John F. Zenk

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I send my condolences to John's family. My mother was Corinne Koch Stewart and her sister was Ruth Koch Todd. I met John and Dorothy in 2004 when six cousins got together at Ruth's home to celebrate Corinne's visit. My mother was the youngest in the group at 89 years of age. I think the prerequisite for attending the party was that you had to be ninety or older (the average age was 93). They shared wonderful stories that evening together. A memory that I will always cherish.

Shared by ginny stewart on 2/23/2012 10:38 PM

Dorothy We are so sorry for your loss on the passing of John. We know that he will be missed every day and you will always remember all the wonderful memories the both of you had together. Marilyn and John Todd

Shared by marilyn and john todd on 2/22/2012 2:17 AM