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Photo of Franklin “Ralph” Koller

Franklin “Ralph” Koller

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Our thoughts and prayers to the family. Both Ralph and Millie will be missed. We’ve enjoyed knowing them these past years

Shared by lions desi and jeff white on 3/31/2021 10:27 PM

Reminiscing on past conventions and Lions Club activities. Lions Ralph will be missed.

Shared by lions bill & pat crook on 3/31/2021 7:38 PM

My deepest condolences to the Koller family. Ralph and Millie were two special people who gave of themselves for others. I always enjoyed Ralph’s enthusiasm for the Lions Club! He will be sorely missed.

Shared by diane svoboda on 3/31/2021 4:46 PM

Our deepest sympathies to Ralph and Millies family. Have such fond memories of two of the nicest people we’ve ever known.

Shared by rich and sue buresh on 3/30/2021 3:41 PM

Our condolences to the Koller Family. We enjoyed our time in the Lions Club with Ralph and Millie. Ralph served his country and community proudly. Thank You for your willingness to always assist others.

Shared by mike and michelle sheehan on 3/30/2021 10:07 AM

PDG Lions Ralph & Millie were super great Lions and have been a big part of the Franklin Park - Manila Lions Club family. Both of them are both very supportive, dedicated and true to the motto “WE SERVE”. We will surely miss them and may their souls REST in PEACE.️️‍♂️

Shared by benni & norma fernandez on 3/30/2021 1:29 AM

PDG Lions Ralph & Millie were great Lions and have been big part of the Franklin Park - Manila Lions Club family. Both of them are very supportive, dedicated and true to the motto “WE SERVE”. We will surely miss them and may their souls REST in PEACE. ️‍♂️️

Shared by lions benni & norma fernandez on 3/30/2021 1:21 AM

I have many memories of Lions PDG Ralph Koller aka "the other Ralph" and Millie Koller. Lion Ralph K. and I shared the same first name. He tag himself as the "other Ralph". I can close my eyes and hear him shouting across the room "Hey Ralph. It's the other Ralph". PDG Ralph K. inducted me into the River Grove Lions during his term as governor and from there my career as a lion grew to be governor of the district. Thanks PDG Ralph K. Both PDG Ralph K and Lion Millie were dedicated Lions and always there to serve. Sue and I will miss their presence at Lions gatherings. Our deepest condolences go out to the family on their loss. Godspeed Lions Ralph and Millie.

Shared by ralph & sue zarada on 3/30/2021 12:24 AM

"WE serve." Ralph and Millie both wonderfully exemplified the motto of Lionism, serving our Lions District 1A and their Brookfield-LaGrange Park Lions Club with joy, enthusiasm, and steadfastness. Their legacy is that they made the world a better place, daily, in a way we can all admire. A smile, a handshake, a laugh, these are the best memories we will continue to cherish of Millie and Ralph, two very special people who touched our hearts in their inspirational commitment to service and community. Helen Keller said it best: "What was once enjoyed and deeply loved we can never loose, for all that we love deeply  becomes part of us." ~~~ Helen Keller Millie and Ralph will forever be "part of us" LaGrange Highlands Lions, who will deeply miss them, cherishing remembered friendships and bonds. We send our heartfelt prayers and condolences to their family during this very difficult time.

Shared by susann carlson on 3/29/2021 8:40 PM

We lost two good Lions and two good friends when we lost Lions Ralph and Millie. They always made you feel like you were family, even if you weren't. Lion Ann and I will surely miss them.

Shared by larry mcguire on 3/29/2021 7:29 PM

On behalf of the Franklin Park-Manila Lions Club we celebrate the good lives of Lions Ralph and Millie. We had fond memories through lions activities and our personal lives. What a wonderful couple. You have been reunited in your eternal life. Rest In Peace.

Shared by teresita zaretsky on 3/29/2021 12:42 PM