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Photo of Emily B. Trock, nee Baber

Emily B. Trock, nee Baber

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I love you Grandma! I will always remember those amazing trips we took to a Chicago to see you and Grandpa. You were always so kind and loved all of us dearly. Miss you and love you! Ashley, Austin, and Emily

Shared by ashley on 9/19/2020 2:09 PM

Dear Greg and Barb, I offer my sympathy for your loss. I know how hard it is to lose a mother. Barb, you were so fortunate to have her with you so long. I am sorry that I am unable to fly there to be with you all in person. But know that I am with you in heart. Call on me anytime. Love, Karen

Shared by karen s younger on 9/18/2020 5:53 PM