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Photo of Elizabeth “Lisa” A. Deutscher, nee Evert

Elizabeth “Lisa” A. Deutscher, nee Evert

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We went to High School together, and Lisa was always funny and kind to me. The world lost a good one.

Shared by matt coleman on 8/17/2018 11:14 PM

We will miss you Lisa! I'll always remember you for being a bubbly and positive person. Rest easy<3

Shared by kayla g on 1/11/2017 5:43 PM

I was privileged to know Lisa. She was a kind, compassionate, and courageous person whom I will miss. We at the office, are all so grateful for the time that we were able to share with such a wonderful person. On behalf of all of us at Rosin Eyecare, please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.

Shared by jonathan rosin on 1/10/2017 12:39 AM

I worked with Lisa a long time ago at Rosin, she was absolutely wonderful. I just ran into her this past summer at Panthers Cheerleading practice. I am so sorry for your loss she was an Amazing lady and I'm truly blessed to have known someone as special as her

Shared by stephanie johnson on 1/8/2017 4:28 PM

Thoughts and prayers to both familes

Shared by lorna on 1/7/2017 8:47 PM