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Photo of Earl L. Boswell

Earl L. Boswell

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Our sincere condolences on the passing of Earl. Bob has fond memories of Earl. Please forgive our late response, Bob has not been well. Robert E Owen Jr. Stella Mary Owen

Shared by robert e owen and stella mary owen on 12/13/2023 4:37 AM

Jeff and I are extremely sad at the passing of our friend and brother-in-law Earl. He was a light in this world and we are devastated that he is no longer in our lives. We look forward to seeing him again one day in Heaven. Our love and thoughts are with Joyce, Kirt and Kory. We love you guys.

Shared by melissa and jeff taylor on 12/12/2023 1:58 PM

This one hits hard. I work with Thor at Helen recycling. Many can agree. Earl was a man of many words, but had the biggest heart. I will miss our after work. Dunkin’ Donuts runs for your iced coffee. Earl always had a knack for putting other people before himself, no matter what he was going through, you will be missed, but never forgotten rest in Paradise my friend

Shared by brandon rapp on 12/10/2023 6:47 PM

I'm missing you already, Earl. You were a ray of sunshine every morning and you kept my spirits up, throughout each day. Whenever I got down, I thought of you and your daily posts. And, you got me back in line. You were such an inspiration to me. You truly touched my heart and made a positive difference in my life. You were an incredibly brave, uplifting, and thoughtful man. God always takes the best ones, too soon. You were an angel on Earth and now you're an Angel in Heaven, looking down and looking out, for everyone. You will be deeply missed, by so many. You'll be in my thoughts every morning, when I don't see your posts. You left a lasting impression on me and everyone you knew. Soar High with the Eagles, and Rest Peacefully, my Friend.

Shared by karen krall on 12/10/2023 3:34 PM

My deepest condolences on the loss of Earl .. I worked with Earl at HOD in Brookfield almost 20 years ago and remained in contact thanks to Facebook. He was a great guy and well loved and will be missed. Much too young to be gone so soon. God speed Earl!

Shared by maureen turner on 12/10/2023 5:17 AM

God Bless , Earl was as stubborn as can be Jesus is going to have his hands full . This man loved life and fought along battle and refused to believe he wouldn’t get better ❤️‍ Earl your in a better place now ride your Hog across the sky you are missed my friend.

Shared by peter kennedy on 12/10/2023 3:06 AM

I am so sorry to hear of this. Earl worked for my Uncle Phillip Salb who owned House Of Doors in Brookfield. I grew up in Brookfield as well. The last time I saw Earl was at my uncle's wake in 2012. I did not know Earl was sick. I am greatly saddened, my deepest sympathies to all of Earls family for their loss.

Shared by kimberly ann rankin on 12/10/2023 1:56 AM

I am so sorry to hear this. You were my bright light in the tunnel. You spread positivity and hope until the end, and for that I am grateful. I know your angels brought you peacefully to the gates of paradise. Here's to you Earl.

Shared by susan cotton on 12/10/2023 1:53 AM

I went to LT with Earl and had the incredible opportunity to stay in touch through Facebook. Earl is a shining example what men should aspire to be like - strong yet gentle, honest, positive, and always willing to help others. My deepest condolences to his family. May his memory be eternal. Rest in peace, my friend, you've more than earned your wings!

Shared by zora timotijevic on 12/9/2023 10:27 PM

I wanted extend my sympathies to the entire family for your loss. I worked with Earl for many years at House of Doors. He was a pleasure to work with and he had an excellent attitude. Many people in Brookfield knew Earl including our neighbors. Sending thoughts and prayers to you during this difficult time. Kathy Liter

Shared by kathy leiter on 12/9/2023 5:38 PM

Aunt Joyce, Kory & Kirt, I am so sorry for the passing of Earl! He had such a positive attitude on life! I am going to miss his positive posts and him! He’s going to be tremendously missed! I know my mom is heartbroken too! She sends her love. Love, Gina

Shared by gina aiello on 12/9/2023 3:26 PM