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Photo of Dolores McDaniel, nee Stejskal

Dolores McDaniel, nee Stejskal

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So sorry to hear of her passing, I remember when she would come and do the resident's nails at Colonial Manor once a week, and always enjoyed talking to her, after I stopped working there, she would continue to keep in touch. I lost contact with her and haven't spoken to her in a number of years, but always enjoyed talking to her. Rest in peace Dolly, and sorry for your loss Amy and family. Sending out prayers during this time.

Shared by jerry on 1/23/2022 4:26 AM

I am so sorry to hear of your mother’s passing. I know how devastating this must be to you and your family. I love you guys! Hugs and love to you all.

Shared by kristen janes on 1/22/2022 3:05 AM

Amy I love how Dolly was included so much in your lives. You guys vacationed with her and shared all your favorite eating spots with her. She was an amazing headstrong woman who lived independently (with your help) in her own home all those years! Not many can say that!!! I met her at Paige’s graduation and she was spunky and fun to talk to. I know that she was so proud of you and Gregor and her beloved Grandkids!!! And she was also lucky to have you guys too. So sorry for your loss.

Shared by amy h on 1/21/2022 3:09 PM

I am so sorry about your mother ...so was so sweet...and so full of life...I will never forget trying to make Miss Piggy a car in your basement...she was always smiling...and didn't get upset with us... please know that I am praying for your family Amy...how blessed were u to have her for a mom..and a friend

Shared by deborah vahlin on 1/20/2022 7:04 PM

Amy, Gregor, Paige, Gavin and Tess- I’m so sorry for the loss of Dolly. Grandma Dolly was a beautiful and independent woman who adored you all. You guys were her everything! I know she will be truly missed! I hope you can take comfort in all the great memories and stories you have of her, and know that she will still be with you always Here for you, and praying for you, in these difficult days ahead ♥️ Love, Kristy

Shared by kristy on 1/20/2022 11:58 AM