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Photo of Chester “Chet” A. Childs

Chester “Chet” A. Childs

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Chet quickly became known in our Forest Park neighborhood for his kindness, his stories... his gift to "chat." He will truly be missed. Chet also mentored our son, Eric, in photography for which we, his parents, were grateful, and for which Chet took pride in witnessing Eric follow through with a career in photography. Thank you, Chet. Rest in peace.

Shared by sherry miller on 10/27/2018 1:30 AM

Many an hour listening to Chet's stories. Somehow he got them all to link together no matter what their subject matter may have been. He's bending a lot of ears up there right now.... and for all eternity! We'll miss you Chet. Eternal rest grant unto Chet oh Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. Amen!

Shared by mel tomeczko on 10/26/2018 2:39 PM

Chet and I have been friends for over 50 years. We met while serving in the U.S. Navy together in the Panama Canal Zone in 1966. After our service, although living in different parts of the country, we communicated regularly. He is the Godfather of one of my daughters (1975). We visited, traveled together, talked philosophy, religion, family, relationships, health, motorcycles, politics, and just about anything that came up. We laughed together, criticized each other, became angry with each other, and cared for each other. The energy that Chet brought to everything that he did was boundless. Most of us could never keep up. Chet loved Chicago and liked nothing better than to show his city to friends. Over the years it has been a privilege to accompany him on tours. He knew the architecture, the art, the museums, and the neighborhoods. He found small “Mom and Pop” restaurants in ethnic neighborhoods where the food was authentic and the warmth sincere. There was nothing about Chicago that Chet did not embrace. Chet had personality and was a true character. He was an irresistible force of life. As we weep at the loss of this friend, he has crossed over to the adventure of his final journey. I am concerned, however, at the shock to the heavens with the gain of all that energy.

Shared by bill cosgrove on 10/23/2018 3:55 PM

I shared a lot of good times with Chet over many many years, on motorcycles, bicycles, a few canoe rides, a few hikes, and with a small sail boat that he and Jay owned. Also at family parties and picnics and "Friday night meetings". I also learned quite a bit about photography from Chet. Last, but not least, he had an endless sense of humor that was very "entertaining". I'm gonna really miss him a lot.

Shared by guy moses on 10/22/2018 3:48 PM

Chet, will miss your goofy self. Although you had some of the worst jokes imaginable, you definitely got laughs among all the groans. One of the original core of characters in the UASC, you were typical: inspired, hard working, imaginative, smart, and willing to do whatever it took to accomplish our ambitious and often wacky goals. Of your technical expertise, time, and subteranean UIC facilities in which you were employed, you were generous to a fault. Without you, the quality and quantity of research the UASC accomplished would have suffered greatly. It was so fun and funny with you along for the ride. Thanks Chet.

Shared by joe oliver on 10/19/2018 12:54 AM

Chet was an instant friend to all who met him, and one of the main pillars of the UASC ever since he walked into the door many years ago as a diver, photographer, leader, writer, organizer, editor, producer, motivator, and an all around good guy who could leave you in stitches with just a look. He looked at the world with a wide lens and a moment later was going there. He was a character of many smiles, places and stories. He will be missed, I will miss him greatly. We were fighting dragons, side by side through many of the best times of my life.

Shared by keith pearson on 10/18/2018 2:44 PM

R.I.P. Chet. You were a good comrad and you will be missed by all the Galeta friends that you served with.

Shared by arlyn r. trauernicht "trainwreck" on 10/18/2018 11:29 AM

Gone from our sight, but never from our hearts. May the memory of Chet bring you comfort and peace. Please accept my heartfelt sympathies for your loss.

Shared by mark hinz on 10/16/2018 4:16 PM

I had the pleasure of working with Chet at UIC for many years and he was a gifted photographer and friend. He will be missed by many, but his images will live on.

Shared by denise mcmanaman on 10/16/2018 1:48 PM

I worked with Chet for over eight years at the University of Illinois and counted him as a friend for thirty more. We shared road trips and dinners, photographic journeys and stayed up until dawn recounting our different adventures on motorcycles. While his passing tinges my heart with sadness; he lived a full life and did it on his own terms. My family and I will miss him very much.

Shared by john horwitz on 10/16/2018 1:11 AM

Chet was always full of stories about his latest adventure. The pictures he took were awesome. He was a kind man, nice to work with, may he Rest In Peace. You have

Shared by pamela nelson on 10/15/2018 11:24 PM

Chet was always full of stories about his latest adventure. The pictures he took were awesome. He was a kind man, nice to work with, may he Rest In Peace.

Shared by pamela nelson on 10/15/2018 11:23 PM