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Photo of Arthur C. Radek

Arthur C. Radek

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It was quite a few years since the last time I saw Art. But I had no time was there ever a lack of memory of a caring man who loves his daughters and could always be counted on to be there in the event you had a genuine need. The world suffers for loss of people like him and those who knew him well will suffer the loss to a greater extent. I will miss him.

Shared by anthony campanale on 6/22/2021 6:04 PM

My deepest sympathies to you all. Art was such a special person and the best boss and friend anyone could ever hope to have. I know that like me, everyone has very special memories of Art. He will be missed by everyone who had the pleasure and honor of knowing him.

Shared by myrna greenberg on 6/21/2021 1:32 PM

Margaret & Martha— Our hearts are with you and your family as you lay your father to rest. He will be missed, but his sense of humor, and love of music lives on in you both...

Shared by jenny & kevin connelly on 6/19/2021 3:21 PM

Martha and Peggy, Bob and I were so sorry to hear of Art’s passing. To loose both parents in less than a year takes an enormous toll and requires a great deal of strength to navigate. You are in our thoughts. Sending love and hugs.

Shared by catherine blakley on 6/18/2021 8:18 PM

Martha, I am so sorry to be reading this about your dad. Now I know where your love of guitar originated. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this time.

Shared by connie dugger on 6/18/2021 3:40 PM