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Photo of Antoinette Gersch, nee Walach

Antoinette Gersch, nee Walach

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Please accept my condolences for the passing of your mother. I knew her since 1952 and we had many happy years together. I went on vacation with her and her folks always had a nice time. I will keep her in my prayers and thoughts. Sincerely, Marie

Shared by marie schwarz on 2/15/2024 4:44 PM

Cheryl, Laura and Tom, I have been with you through this process of losing mom. I have known you all since I met Cheryl on the playground at St. Louise when we were 7. 47 years I have known you and mom and dad. They were so good to me. No amount of thanks could ever be enough for having all of you in my life. The memories I carry in my heart. I miss mom and dad so very much. I don’t say that enough. I’m thankful I got to tell her how much I loved her, thanks for letting me hold her hand those last days. For kissing her goodbye and telling her to go be with God and Bubba. I love all of you! Terri

Shared by terri kopija on 2/14/2024 11:24 PM

Deepest sympathy to you and the entire Gersch family. RIP

Shared by james richardson on 2/14/2024 1:55 PM