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Photo of James “Bub” Neumann

James “Bub” Neumann

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I offer my condolences to the Family at this time, but would like to share a very encouraging message of real hope that can only come from Gods word the Bible. The message is very simple and it comes from what Jesus Christ is saying to us found in John 5:28,29 which he is giving us a very sure amd real hope in seeing our dead loved ones again, to which he is letting us know that he will resurrect all of our dead loved ones, but it doesnt stop there. When they are brought back to life, they will be given the opportunity to live forever on a peaceful earth, like it says in Psalm 37:29 which reads: The righteous will possess the earth and they will live forever on it. So from these two passages, we see that the dead will be brought back to life and they will be able to live forever on this earth.

Shared by arthur mantzouris on 4/17/2018 5:19 PM

Our condolenses to all the Neumann families. I remember it first time I met Jim and John, my mother arranged for them to come to our home in Riverside, somehow we were supposed to be distant cousins and they rode their bikes all the way from Brookfield. Jim had put a steering wheel on his bike, I thought it was the neatest thing! We had great friendship thru high school and after. Many good memories.

Shared by george & linda miller on 4/2/2018 12:37 AM

Rest In Peace....from a school mate of the past...jims spark touched us all.

Shared by carl sefl on 3/24/2018 9:41 AM

My heart goes out to the family! God knows the pain we experience when we lose our loved ones, so He made a provision so that we never have to experience death at all.

Shared by cheryl on 3/21/2018 7:20 PM

To Cassie and Kelley, Very sorry for your loss. Love Tina

Shared by tina gera durso on 3/18/2018 3:52 PM

To the family of Jim Neumann, I was saddened to hear about Jim’s passing. My husband, Al Buresh who also passed away, was a great friend of Jims. They had many laughs and good times together. Now they are together again in Heaven sharing stories. Please except my condolences. Evelyn Buresh

Shared by evelyn buresh on 3/18/2018 2:21 PM

P,ease accept our deepest sympathy for the loss of Jim. I lived next door to him for many years as a kid, new his dad, and his daughters. RIP Jim.

Shared by ginny quagliaro fleming on 3/16/2018 8:53 PM